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I downloaded the item on the link given above, it is the bios update for the Asrock DualSeries 4CoreDual-Sata2 mobo, which I needed anyway lol (coincidentally, that's the mobo I have on the new pc lol). Unfortunately I still haven't found any Vista drivers as such which is a shame but lol, in my dealings with this pc, its become relatively unimportant.
Ok folks, warning.., take care buying a pc from Ebay. I looked at the components commonly spec'd on ebay.., could get a quad core processor, 2mb RAM and an 8500GT graphics card.., usually on the above mobo (which is a combo design with slots for both AGP and PCI-E graphics cards). Knew the board wouldn't last me forever but it would 'do' as stated above. Checked specs and user reviews for both the card and the mobo.
Unfortunately I slipped up.., if only I'd have googled 'vista problems 8600GT' I'd have come across forums mentioning that Nvidia haven't always made their cards as vista ready as they could have done. I've installed Vista maybe 12 or so times, XP three times, different versions of each and my pc is still blue screening! I updated the bios from 1.1 to 1.5 which is specifically vista compliant but doubt its helped. Personally i think I have bought a very weak system and well, Vista hasn't really had the kinks ironed out.
The maker has just said they allow me to send it back to them and they'll check it for hardware problems but as they supposedly tested it before sending it out, I very much doubt they'll find anything to fix. So.., £450 almost down the drain as the pc is very temperamental even on XP pro. I am a good user rather than a techie but have gone thru every possible thing to figure out how to get this pc working (including downloading drivers, avoiding windows update etc etc) - feel like I've given birth to the thing with the gentle 'lets try it this way' approach I've taken lol. But with it bluescreening even using XP.., its card and then mobo replacement time.
I'm not going to buy a Nvidia card ever again (have had driver problems in the past with one on an older system) and will go for the ATI 2600pro. Reviews say its more reliable.., but reading reviews is how i got into this mess lol. Given up on the manufacturer of the PC and left them a negative review so I think my chances of getting any help from them (very difficult to even get them on the phone, they answer emails once a day only.., was quite a saga getting the thing delivered) are remoter than they were yesterday.., and it wasn't likely then lol!