Are there any command line switches which can be used for iReboot in order to reboot directly from another system?
My goal would be add a fake no-password user to the Windows 7 users so that it looks like a button on the logon screen. That user should have in its autorun entries a command which will reboot the system into another OS. iReboot does the job very well, but only manually (which is way better than having to wait for the boot menu in any case
Let me say that: this board looks very good but the smilies don't! :|
Are there any command line switches which can be used for iReboot in order to reboot directly from another system?
My goal would be add a fake no-password user to the Windows 7 users so that it looks like a button on the logon screen. That user should have in its autorun entries a command which will reboot the system into another OS. iReboot does the job very well, but only manually (which is way better than having to wait for the boot menu in any case
Let me say that: this board looks very good but the smilies don't! :|