iReboot sticks to a selected OS

I'm glad that this thread lead to useful discussions, unfortunately not related to the original question. :wink:
Back to business.
iReboot installs with the default action of leaving the "start" button as Microsoft intended. (i.e. It boots the default system).
If you wan't to change the behaviour so that it reboots the current system, there are parameters in its config file (in the iReboot folder) you can modify.
I'm only an ex-user, because it's not yet compatible with HnS (which I use), so I'm afraid it's too long ago to remember the exact mod(s) which you need to make, but if you look back through the iReboot threads you should find instructions somewhere if the contents of the config file confuse you.
(at least that was the situation last time I was a user)
That's precisely my doubt. I have 2 Vista64 installs, let's say A and B.
I've chosen A as default. I'm in A. I use iReboot to boot into B. Now in B, I go to the start menu an reboot. I should be booting to A, the default. Instead I go straight again to B.
According to your explanation something is not working, isn't it?
Again, my question is, Should iReboot act like a "run once" thing?
If not, how I disable or revert the change I made within the application interface?
It's not a big deal, I can always choose the default from iReboot an then everything goes back to normal, it's only that I want to know how it should behave by design.
You select the OS you want to reboot into in iReboots menu in the notification area. Rebooting with just Windows alone won't work. If you're using HnS to hide partitions, iReboot won't work for you.
I'm glad that this thread lead to useful discussions, unfortunately not related to the original question. :wink:
Back to business.

That's precisely my doubt. I have 2 Vista64 installs, let's say A and B.
I've chosen A as default. I'm in A. I use iReboot to boot into B. Now in B, I go to the start menu an reboot. I should be booting to A, the default. Instead I go straight again to B.
According to your explanation something is not working, isn't it?
Again, my question is, Should iReboot act like a "run once" thing?
If not, how I disable or revert the change I made within the application interface?
It's not a big deal, I can always choose the default from iReboot an then everything goes back to normal, it's only that I want to know how it should behave by design.

I don't think you can reboot with iReboot from the Start menu. I think you need to right-click on the iReboot icon on the taskbar, and pick a selection to reboot into. :wink: That should give you the result you want, and allow you to boot into whatever OS it is you want to reboot into, regardless of which OS it is that is default. BTW, you need to need to have iReboot installed on the OS you're rebooting from, in order to use it.

You can use iReboot with the start menu - but you have to first select the OS from the iReboot menu with the "reboot automatically" option disabled.
You can use iReboot with the start menu - but you have to first select the OS from the iReboot menu with the "reboot automatically" option disabled.

Which leads me back to the point that iReboot would have to be installed on both OSes, in order to do what he's proposing...:brows:

He has got iR on both systems Cool. You need it on each of your multi-boots to make it fully useful.
The question is just about the default action of a non-specific reboot.
A fair way into the development, in the later builds of iR, CG put in the ability to affect the way an auto reboot works (during WUD for example), so that you can let your non-prime OS reboot unattended without ending up in a different OS.
We had a long discussion about what the iR default behaviour should be, and decided it should do what Windows would do if iR didn't exist. The user would have to positively opt-in to changing the normal reboot behaviour.
That's why Octaedro's query is so relevant. He doesn't appear to have opted in but is experiencing non-default behaviour from Windows; the exact scenario we sought to avoid.

All this is from the depths of my memory, as I confess to being a lapsed user of iR, still awaiting an HnS compatible release sometime in the future. So possibly the defaults have changed since I was last a user.
They should still be customizable in the config file though to act the way the user wants.
Terry, nothing has changed since our initial discussion on this subject here.

I'm thinking that A isn't the default really.

octaedro7, can you please post the contents of "Detailed Mode" from EasyBCD?
Here you have the detailed mode coments:
Windows Boot Manager
identifier              {9dea862c-5cdd-4e70-acc1-f32b344d4795}
device                  partition=D:
description             Windows Boot Manager
locale                  en-US
inherit                 {7ea2e1ac-2e61-4728-aaa3-896d9d0a9f0e}
default                 {6ca3d47d-f0d3-11dd-9022-b3316da3bfe2}
displayorder            {6ca3d47d-f0d3-11dd-9022-b3316da3bfe2}
toolsdisplayorder       {b2721d73-1db4-4c62-bf78-c548a880142d}
timeout                 20

Windows Boot Loader
identifier              {6ca3d47d-f0d3-11dd-9022-b3316da3bfe2}
device                  partition=C:
path                    \Windows\system32\winload.exe
description             Mandragora Vista64
locale                  en-US
loadoptions             DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS
inherit                 {6efb52bf-1766-41db-a6b3-0ee5eff72bd7}
truncatememory          0x100000000
bootdebug               No
osdevice                partition=C:
systemroot              \Windows
resumeobject            {6ca3d47e-f0d3-11dd-9022-b3316da3bfe2}
nx                      OptIn
pae                     ForceDisable
numproc                 2
detecthal               No
usefirmwarepcisettings  No
sos                     No
debug                   No

Windows Boot Loader
identifier              {b3bbf862-ef6c-11dd-a8cf-e44dfc7b0ee2}
device                  partition=D:
path                    \Windows\system32\winload.exe
description             Musicalix Vista64
locale                  en-US
loadoptions             DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS
inherit                 {6efb52bf-1766-41db-a6b3-0ee5eff72bd7}
osdevice                partition=D:
systemroot              \Windows
resumeobject            {b3bbf863-ef6c-11dd-a8cf-e44dfc7b0ee2}
nx                      OptIn
I think I'm not expressing myself correctly (english is not my native language as you might noticed). I thought that having set a default OS in EBCD, iR would let me change the reboot behavior once, leting me boot into a non default OS for that session, and if no change is made in iR (while in that session), it'll reboot automatically to the default OS on restart.
But what I faced so far is that if in iR I change the OS to reboot to, It will stick to that OS as if it were the default (but without timeout) until I change that again from within iR.

is this the right behaviour of iR by design? Is there a way to make iR act as I thought first?
If not I'd suggest it to be a new feature in iR (if possible).
Thank you guys for your help
What's happening now:
Default OS: A
While in A, I check on "Reboot on selection" and then select B.
PC restarts into B straight (without timeout).
If I go to the start menu and perform a regular restart I'd expect to reboot into BCD, the default os selected, the timeout running, and if I don't do anything, boot into A.
But instead It boots straight into B, the iR effect is persistent until I change it.
Are you saying that iReboot remembers that as the next OS to boot into? Or that Windows does?
I would say that is iR who's remembering.
Interesting. Definitely not the expected behavior.

Do you have a file called iReboot.exe.config in the iReboot program files folder?
Yes I do.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<sectionGroup name="userSettings" type="System.Configuration.UserSettingsGroup, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" >
<section name="iReboot.Properties.Settings" type="System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" allowExeDefinition="MachineToLocalUser" requirePermission="false" />
<setting name="AutoReboot" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="SetDefaultOnStartup" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="ShowCurrentOS" serializeAs="String">
EDIT: And I just looked in that folder, and there's no installer for iReboot...just one for TweakVI.

hmm...I just tried running that setup now (that says its for TweakVI), but it gives me a message saying iReboot is already installed, and asks me if I want to remove the previous version. :S:S:S:S
Apparently, its actually the setup for iReboot, and not TweakVI like the filename claims.


EDIT: The file is called "TweakVI_Setup.exe", but its actually the setup for iReboot.
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yes - the file name is Setup_TweakVI regardless of what's being installed :smile:

I should probably change that.
Thanks. :smile: That's what I figured
I re-downloaded TweakVI from EasyBCD, and then ran the setup again, and that time it was TweakVI like it was supposed to be. I guess you have it designed to replace the previous downloaded installer each time you use the NST Downloader? I guess that's a smart thing to do, seeing as it would take up more disk space if it placed each installer in a separate folder, or if it used a different filename in the same folder. I guess I should just note that for future reference though, so I remember to run the NST downloader again for the program I'm trying to install, right before running the setup each time...:wink:

Hmm... I was wondering why Cool couldn't find iReboot's setup file. Thats great that a previous download is deleted to keep used disk space to a minimum, but say have it call the file something like download_setup.exe or something generic regardless of program (probably a bunch a better names than out there than my suggestion).

Though I suppose it won't matter when you get it to auto-lanuch downloads again :smile:
Hello, I'd like to bump this thread.
To explain the situation, I got a 3ple boot system. XP, Vista, W7.

I used BCD to edit my bootloader and everything worked fine.
Then while I was browsing BCD, I saw the ireboot program and thought to give it a try.

Installed it in W7, and used it to boot to XP.
Now whenever I Boot, or Reboot my PC, I log on XP, without the timeout A/B/C options on bootloader.

So, I installed ireboot to XP and used it to boot on W7.

I tried to uninstal it from W7, reboot the PC, and I still log on W7 without the timeout.
Even with the ireboot uninstalled, the PC still boots straight into W7 without the timeout.

Tried to edit the bootloader with BCD, tried to revert back to the original W7 bootloader, but nothing.
When my PC boots, it boots straight into W7, without the timeout.

Any ideas how to deactivate ireboot functions and get back the good old bootloader with the glorious timeout?
You can easily change the timeout setting in EasyBCD. :wink:
Just go to either the "Manage Bootloader" or the "Change Settings" page (I can't remember which), and you should see an option to adjust that setting to whatever you want. Just, be sure to hit "Save settings" after you did it, so the changes stick.
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Hello, I'd like to bump this thread.
To explain the situation, I got a 3ple boot system. XP, Vista, W7.

I used BCD to edit my bootloader and everything worked fine.
Then while I was browsing BCD, I saw the ireboot program and thought to give it a try.

Installed it in W7, and used it to boot to XP.
Now whenever I Boot, or Reboot my PC, I log on XP, without the timeout A/B/C options on bootloader.

So, I installed ireboot to XP and used it to boot on W7.

I tried to uninstal it from W7, reboot the PC, and I still log on W7 without the timeout.
Even with the ireboot uninstalled, the PC still boots straight into W7 without the timeout.

Tried to edit the bootloader with BCD, tried to revert back to the original W7 bootloader, but nothing.
When my PC boots, it boots straight into W7, without the timeout.

Any ideas how to deactivate ireboot functions and get back the good old bootloader with the glorious timeout?

To prevent problems like this always install iReboot in all of your Windows systems before using and if you uninstall do not use it to reboot into an OS where it isnt installed. Otherwise, iReboots effects on the bootloader could remain like in the above users case.