Just wondering...

^ okay

i open a terminal, and i cd in the /var, and then i try to cd into the /www but it says it does not exist

bash: cd: /www: no such file or directory/[quote]
however, when i enter, dir in /var it shows me all the folders/dirs and www is there 
i would think i could just cd into right?
Picture: [URL]http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r317/toofuairi/Screenshot3.png[/URL]
i hope i am going in the right direction lol i have to go to the library next so ttyl there lol -- i am at the library, i can just do so very much with my machine from here (sarcasm) i needed to print out a hard copy of the home work - a very simple java program to make a diamond made out of "*", like so: 

ill be out in class for the next hour and then lunch ill be in my room again after that

thank you for your help as always :smile:
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open terminal:
enter into /var/www
then i put in the chmod
i read on wiki, to change the permission to allow everyone is: chmod +rw and then the file correct?

so i put this:
donald@donald-ubuntu:/var/www$ chmod +rw apache2-default

~then i go this:~

chmod: changing permissions of `apache2-default': Operation not permitted

~I changed it to sudo:~

donald@donald-ubuntu:/var/www$ sudo chmod +rw apache2-default

~it asks for the password, i enter it and it goes back to the~

now i try to edit the contents of the folder and still no go, i check properties it sill belongs to the host... im sorry im not used to Command line and im not used to ubuntu either yet.... :frowning:


okay now i have another location, telling me, chmod 666 file will allow everyone to read and write the file. i did that:

donald@donald-ubuntu:/var/www$ chmod 666 apache2-default

chmod: changing permissions of `apache2-default': Operation not permitted

\donald@donald-ubuntu:/var/www$ sudo chmod 666 apache2-default

it didnt ask for my password this time i assume it remembers it, because i have not opened a new terminal.

now when i try to cd into the apache2-default folder, in the terminal it says:

donald@donald-ubuntu:/$ cd /var/www/apache2-default

bash: cd: /var/www/apache2-default: Permission denied

idk whats going on lol but i am learning new things, and thats what matters. so once i get this working, and someone else wants to have their own web server, on there linux (ubuntu) i would be able to help YAY me :smile:
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now i try to edit the contents of the folder and still no go, i check properties it sill belongs to the host... im sorry im not used to Command line and im not used to ubuntu either yet.... :frowning:

Hey relax, it's gonna work... Just give it some time.

PS. I think this is first words from you without "lol" in a middle or at the end... :grinning::lol: Interesting...
^ that maybe true lol :smile:

okay heres what i got, i can check the information of whats in a dir by using the "ls -l" command:

donald@donald-ubuntu:/var/www$ ls -l
total 8
drw-rw-rw- 2 root root 4096 2007-09-16 15:55 apache2-default
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2007-09-16 15:55 nginx-default

the apache2-default dir is blue text with green background

while the nginx-default is just blue text :frowning:
okay i did that line: here is the information:

drwxrwxr-x 2 root root 4096 2007-09-16 15:55 apache2-default
OK, so can't you edit the files in /var/www/ now?

If not, just do it like this:
gksudo gedit /var/www/index.html

That'll open a full-permissions text editor for index.html.
Ah, try this:

sudo chown -R YOURUSERNAME /var/wwwroot/

Your firewall is blocking access to port 80, so I can't access your Apache page.
Okay i have to leave for class now, ill be back in about an hour and a half or so

okaydokay, thank you thus far CG :smile:

donald@donald-ubuntu:/$ sudo chrown -R donald /var/www
sudo: chrown: command not found

gtg now bybye :smile:
yes it does :frowning:

so that means... well of course i should be able to see my own files correct?

but some where in between my file getting to your machine, somethign is stopping it :frowning: do i have webservers down pretty well on principle?


another thing... the new ubuntu is within a months time, and i was wondering, will it be like a upgrade, that i can download thourgh my synpatic, or will i have to creat a new desktop CD and install over my current ubuntu. this isnt a problem seeing as i have two hard drives, data can just be moved for temp. i do think however i would want to save my webserver files on a disk or somethign somewhere.

(im at the library so no debugging to be done lol )
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