Miscellaneous Ramblings


Staff member
These aren't problems (yet) so am keeping them to the chit-chat area rather than any particular application.

I don't know what this is but for the last several months I've noticed the click of a switch periodically - coming from my tower. It's the same click that happens just as your machine powers off but this happens while powered up and nothing is happening at all. (I have things set to never power off). This mysterious click has intrigued me for so long but I haven't bothered asking about it until now.

The second thing I noticed could be because my video card at the moment is a mere Radeon 9550, but Dreamscene content wouldn't play - just a black screen. For the uninitiated, Dreamscene content is exclusive to Vista Ultimate and gives you video wallpaper capabilities.
I Googled a bit and found an interesting tip. Get yourself a video converter and convert the .mpg Dreamscene files to .wmv - lo and behold - they now work.
If anyone else wants to do it they are found in \Windows\Web\Windows Dreamscene. (Assuming that you took them as an update in the first place).

The 3rd and most annoying thing is, after every Microsoft update requiring a restart, Vista starts to shut down, then I get the "Vista is configuring updates" screen which would normally fade to black and then the machine would reboot, except now it changes to a blank blue screen and goes on permanent hold. At which I have to manually switch off the machine.
The strange thing is - I get no errors in the event viewer.

Opinions anyone?
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For dust you mean? It's clean as of 2 weeks ago - the last time I took the sides off. File cleanup I do daily.
That's interesting, Peter - on my 9550 (pre-overclocking) I was able to use DreamScene just fine...

I haven't used it in a while, so if it's changed maybe that's why, but when it first came out I could use it just fine.... :S
I have a feeling there's something wrong with ATI's 7.7 Catalyst as I've read a few comments on the web about it.
Yeah but that that sound when it shuts down... and you can hear it while computer is on... hmm interesting... first thought I get is power supply but it's just a thought.
Power supply is brand new 800W. I first noticed it ages ago before I installed a new power supply.
I don't think it's doing any harm so am not going to worry too much :wink:
That's interesting, Peter - on my 9550 (pre-overclocking) I was able to use DreamScene just fine...

I haven't used it in a while, so if it's changed maybe that's why, but when it first came out I could use it just fine.... :S

I can't honestly remember if I ever tried it before with my 9550. I know it worked fine with the X1650. Strangely a number of people on the web have reported the same problem and fixing it by converting those mpg files to wmv.

My X1950 just arrived, what a monster - it has 2 x 4-pin molex power connectors and requires a 30w supply. My power supply has 4 x 20w 12v rails. So I am going to have to go out and get another power splitter/extension and use 2 separate rails rather than use the supplied power splitter extension and only 1 power rail.
My X1950 just arrived, what a monster - it has 2 x 4-pin molex power connectors and requires a 30w supply. My power supply has 4 x 20w 12v rails. So I am going to have to go out and get another power splitter/extension and use 2 separate rails rather than use the supplied power splitter extension and only 1 power rail.

Yeah, I wonder how higher vista score is going to be. :smile:
I'll post it as soon as I get the card installed....if the machine doesn't explode of course. :wink:

(Now it stands at 3.1 and reports 2858mb of memory).
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:rage:It took me an hour to exchange the cards, not helped by my losing 3 screws, 2 screwdriver bits and a clip off the bandage I have on my wrist for carpal tunnel syndrome relief, all falling into the computer innards and me having upend it and shake the hell out of it...LOL. I did retrieve everything.

Let's start by telling you that the X1950 is 1" wider and 2" longer than the other card, so in order to get it in I had to attach both the power cords first, loosen a couple of hard drives and move them a bit. Got it in, put everything back as it was and screwed in place again, and started plugging everything back in . This isn't a simple task as my desk looks a bit like yours Sarge....everything but the kitchen sink is there, if you know what I mean.

The last thing to connect was the DVI to VGA adapter as my monitor is strictly VGA and damn it, the adapter would only fit on crooked because of a case overhang. I only have one AGP slot so couldn't move the card. So I spent half an hour filing the plastic top of the adapter down and finally it went in, more or less straight.

I connected the monitor and powered up.

I heard the fans going, noted the different sound meaning that that the video card had powered up too.
The monitor remained black. It knew it was connected to something as the "disconnected" warning had disappeared.

I thought oh s**t it isn't connecting properly. So I hauled the desk out again and took the adapter out and filed it down some more. It was by now most definitely fitting.

No, the monitor remained black. I thought "a thousand curses and may you rot in hell etc. etc." (referring to the card of course).

So now I am now sweating profusely, despite the air conditioning, and back to the 9550 wondering what the hell I can do except sell the darn thing on eBay.

Now I'm having an asthma attack, darn it.

This is all too much for an old geezer like me, sorry...LOL:angry::tongueout:oint::wtf:
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Oh man! >.< What a mess :angry:

Yeah, get rid of that card, and go to the shop (real one:smile:) and look for... let's see...nVidia GeForce 7600GS (Asus, MSI, any other.. just not Club 3D, I heard they are bad made). AGP version of course, and enjoy your self... save your time :smile:

Buhahaha I think I said that's not my desk, I'll show you mine tomorrow :smile: Its wood, handmade :grinning:
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Peter, you should be able to RMA it back to the manufacturer directly.

Who put the card together? Sapphire?
Well, I got it on eBay and yes it is Sapphire and it was most definitely brand new. Surely they aren't in the practice of taking back merchandise that I didn't even buy from them?

Why would I get a blank screen? DVi to VGA adapters should act just like a regular VGA outlet. The monitor knew it was connected to something but it's a mystery to me why no picture. I'm sure the adapter was fitting OK after I'd shaved off most of the top plastic housing, although I could be wrong I suppose.

Sarge, I thought that pic was your desk, sorry. Now you are asking me to spend another $100 - $150...:scared:
That GEForce card is ranked at just a little less than the old X1650 I had that malfunctioned.
Well, I got it on eBay and yes it is Sapphire and it was most definitely brand new. Surely they aren't in the practice of taking back merchandise that I didn't even buy from them?

RMA is reseller-independant: they built it, if it's broken as a result of mis-manufacture, they fix it.

Anyway, ATi doesn't provide RMA because they didn't actually build the card - only the chips on it and then Sapphire put it together.

What you need is the Sapphire RMA: http://www.sapphireengineering.com/Contact/RMARequest.htm
Thanks for that info. Isn't that just for service though? It'll cost me to mail it in then I'll probably find that it's not broken anyway.
Well, in my experience RMA is "fix it if you can, otherwise replace it."

Can you try it in a different PC? Is there any reason it would work there and not in yours?