Noisy Startup

Define "noise"

Is that a fan going really load? The hard drive spinning/clicking? A meow?
never did that before


fans dont go load
but seriously its like a whirring sound
-idont beleive its the fan
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Well, that sounds like it could be the CPU fan, but you'll really need to find out what component is making the noise before we can help you any further.
It sounds more like a GPU fan. (Graphics card) The reason i say this is because the gprahics card is closer to the back of the case while the cpu is in the middle. So to hear the fan that distinctly you have to have it close to the back of hte case. So either Guru is right with the case fan or it is the video cards fan.

If you are doing any gaming or heavy graphics work when you start to hear it then it si the video card. If you hear it as soon as you hi the power i would say a case fan.
That's true - totally forgot about that one.

I had to replace my fine w/ an after-market one because the blades ended up a bit uneven and made so much noise... damn ATi.
Oh, I replaced GPU fan on my GF2 about 2 years ago, because it died. And new fan works good, but it makes NOISE, I mean N O I S E, like the chopper is in the air above the house :grinning: But only while it warms up.
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I personally don't care about PC-related noises (unless they mean something has gone badly wrong!) because it's music to my ears :smile:
I personally don't care about PC-related noises (unless they mean something has gone badly wrong!) because it's music to my ears :smile:

Mwhahahaha! :grinning: I agree!! :happy: Loudest thing I have now is the thing that converts the power from v220 to v110 for my monitor, so I had another power explosion It should stop my monitor from dieing. This thing behind my desk can be very noisy from time to time, and sometimes is pretty silent (like at this moment I can't hear it at all), and I don't mind it being noisy (sometimes :tongueout:):smile:
Mwhahahaha! :grinning: I agree!! :happy: Loudest thing I have now is the thing that converts the power from v220 to v110 for my monitor, so I had another power explosion It should stop my monitor from dieing. This thing behind my desk can be very noisy from time to time, and sometimes is pretty silent (like at this moment I can't hear it at all), and I don't mind it being noisy (sometimes :tongueout:):smile:
Seriously? I didn't even know they had any moving parts :/
I don't think they do, well.. I have no idea what they have inside... but this thing makes noise... very loudly sometimes.

That's certainly weird... A step-up/step-down voltage transformer is a really simple device that looks something like this:

---- |
---- | ----
---- | ----
---- |

Basically a number of wires wrapped around one side, and a different number on the other. The ratio between one side to the other is the conversion ratio.

So in this example, it's 4 wires to two wires, meaning it's going to halve the incoming voltage from 220 to 110 (or double it from the other side).

It's just wires wrapped around a metal plate really... :S
Only noise I ever heard from a transformer is a hum, and on one that small I can't see it humming very loudly. What does the noise sound like?
Yeah, the electromagnetic currents can cause some minor vibrations that will make a hum... (/me looks for the :yesnod: emoticon)
Most of the noise when mine starts up is from me screaming "get a %$#&^% move on!!!!!".

Seriously, the easiest way to pinpoint it is to stick the tower up on a table with the sides taken off and nothing but the power cord plugged in and switch it on and listen very carefully. Of course if this is a laptop, then it's a repair shop.

My CPU & GPU fans always kick in with a bit of a whirr at first but that quickly subsides. Miscellaneous grinding noises ensue from the 3 hard drives as they boot up. The only other fan is on the back of my power supply and that is silent.

Maybe your HD needs a good defrag plus it would be an idea to take the case apart anyway to clean out the dust using a compressed air aerosol (don't ever use anything else) available at all PC shops.