actually i figured ou the problem and as simple as it is i woundn't have thought it
but basically the noise came from having a cd in the drive while startup and shutdown
I do remember the old 4x CD-ROM drives. THose did makes some nasty noise. But now a days they put some buffers on them to allow for slow down and so that they dont make that much racket.
But the first sets were nasty. I still cant think of it. Maybe cause i am just so used to that sound it doesnt even register in my head that is what it is.
Oh come on guys Its nothing special, no difference, other then my computer feels slower, I'm thinking of getting one of those moded versions of XP with everything out for max performance, install 3ds max and see how it feels. :lup: Because, its SLOOOOOOW like hell, no way running 3ds max and Photoshop at the same time
Nah.. its nothing, I'll install XP SP1 and give you my IP, whatever you need, and you try hacking in, or try infecting me with anything at all :evil: Its not going to work. Sargy has some secrets