Nvidia 9 series

Yeah but the amount of transistors doesnt make the card. Ron!n is right. It does not outperform the 8800GTX by much. But it does outperform the 8800 and the 8800GT and the 8800GTS. The GTX which is the top of the line is still the only card to beat the 9800 series card. Which is only a mid-range card. So for a Mid-Range card to only be beat out by a top of line card. Yeah i would say that is good.
^ the 9800 is a mid range?
no the 9600 *** is mid range, while the 9800 *** is high end

mind you the 9800 will have i think the most variants to a single card to date, (tell me if im wrong,) with the GX2, GTX, GTS, GT, and GS. (welll damn, 8800's have more, but they dont have a dual GPU in their line of variants)
I thought the whole 9 series was gonna be their mid-range line. I forgot they split it so that the *600's are the mid-range and the *800's are the high end.

But most of the info i am going off of is 3rd party as i have not personaly done the research on this subject myself yet.

But from what i am seeing from a quick glance around the net. The 9800 GT cards will be better than the 8800GTX cards as they will use the G92 and 45nm technology which is like 2x as good as the stuff used on teh old 8800GTX cards.
from what im reading its supposed to only be a 30% improvement in performance, or were u talking about something else.
No. From what many of the nVidia people are saying the G92 chipset and that are supposed to be 2x as good as the G80 chipset used in the 8800GTX cards. Or it was chips. Not sure right now. Did that at 11pm last night. Had a long night.

But that is just by going off the figures of the chips used. Not actual performance. So overall the 9800 could pan out to be about 30% better when you take into effect everything else.
Mak, keep in mind that within each range is a second sub-range.
So while the 9800 is the top-of-the-line, it'll have its own sub-series with hugely-varying performances just like the difference between the original 8800GTS, 8800GTX, the 8800GT, etc.
From what i have heard of the 9800 series they do not plan on putting out that many variations. From what i have seen they only plan on the GT and GTS versions. Nothing more.

Who knows. Right now it is still in the air. But from what i have read this is what i know. :smile:
@ mak

i already said that they are putting out 5 different variants of the 9800

the GX2, GTX, GTS, GT, and GS

not as many as the 8800, but remember they also changed the chip type used in a couple 88 variants.

the 88 has: the GTS (G80), GS, GT, GTS (G92), GTX, Ultra.

Now if anyone knows, how many of those variants for 88 all came out on launch?
The 8800GTS, the 8800GTX (both G80) only were released late '06 (Nov. or Dec. if I recall correctly). The 8800 Ultra was released Q2 2007. The G92 cores followed.

Note that the 8800GTS launched with two more sub-series, namely the 320MB and 640MB editions.
@ mak

i already said that they are putting out 5 different variants of the 9800

the GX2, GTX, GTS, GT, and GS

not as many as the 8800, but remember they also changed the chip type used in a couple 88 variants.

the 88 has: the GTS (G80), GS, GT, GTS (G92), GTX, Ultra.

Now if anyone knows, how many of those variants for 88 all came out on launch?
I havent seen those reports for the GTX versions. I have only seen the GT and GTS. But you were right i foudn the ones for the GX2 as well. The GTX versions are still rumors from what i have seen. Even nVidia's own forums doesnt seem to have any definate answers on this one.

But you very well maybe right. I have done only about 15 minutes of research on this. I will have to dig deeper and find more info out.
^ @ mak

wiki is my first hit to anything, from there i stem off and dig into their references and were they got their information. they say not to use wiki, but i do, as a reference to the references ^_^
Kahai i was just wondering about your COD4 thing, is that your IP address or the universities? Just thought u might want to hide it
^ @ mak

wiki is my first hit to anything, from there i stem off and dig into their references and were they got their information. they say not to use wiki, but i do, as a reference to the references ^_^

I personally dont trust things posted at Wikipedia. As i have seen to many times that they are wrong on several issues. The reason i say this is because anyone can just sign up and eidt a post and it can be read by thousands or millions of people before it gets found and moderated correctly.

Now the Wiki here which only a few people have the chance to Moderate or edit that is different. As not everyone can jsut make a topic and mess everything up. But Wikipedia is not this way. Until they change their ways i wont trust them as i have seen the issues too many times. I have known people who have went there just to mess things up and ti was several weeks before what they did was found.

I prefer to use the forums. I have checked the nVidia forums for all my reference material and i have also looked at several news posting made about the cards. That is where i am getting my info.

By no means am i saying my information is more correct than yours. So dont take it that way. I am jsut saying that personally i dont trust Wikipedia. :wink:

I have been known to be wrong on several ocassions. So it would not surprise me to be wrong here as well.:smile:
^ your not wrong mak

you just have misunderstoods (oh if only someone could pick up on that inside joke)

i have seen some untruths on wiki, i know they are out there, i remember my friend telling me something being on George Bush's wiki (current prez) and it was up all day lol

@ ronin
yeah, that ip (and port) is for the server i have the most points on currently, it is a hardcore server ^_^

as for my ip. i cant remember if its static or not, so it wouldnt much matter
as well, my univeristies network has some major firewalls, so i can not have my own web pages (officially i should be able to host my own site, and have only people on my network access it.

does knowing my IP really much matter? i should be safe behind those nice big firewalls ^_^ right?
^ yay

as for on topic

if and when i get the money, i wouldnt mind upgrading to to something better in the gfx department, stalker doesnt play very well on my machine :frowning:

but my next few upgrades will be to processor (and thus Mobo too)
The GX2 is a Dual processor Gfx Card, there will be alot of them sold, very early on, trust me, the uber enthusiast in computer gaming will buy them, only because they can save on room (ahem) compared to two 8800's lol