I hardly ever use search on my machine, or find on previous Windows. I have all my mail organized in folders and don't get enough that I keep to need any help finding anything.
About the only searches I do are web searches with the BBC engine (no adverts or commercial bias), and once in a blue moon type in a windows module name if I need to know the folder it's in. Without indexing that only takes 20-30 seconds a few times a year, not worth the overhead of all that grinding index work.
I can see that a developer like you would have a lot more use for it, but I've always resented MS assuming that they know best how to run my system, rather than giving me features I can opt in to if I want them.
I have a similar problem with ATi not giving me the option to turn off pause/rewind live TV.
I never use it, and having it running against my will consumes unnecessary power on my HD, and means that the TV picture/sound is out of phase with all the other TVs within earshot - very annoying. When I pay for software, I'd like it to do what I want.