Vista 5384 Soundmax Issues

Unfortunately not, though here's a little secret:

Ramblings of a Computer Guru said:
This build is only being made available to technical beta testers (members of the Vista & IE7 program on and TAP members. MSDN and CPP members will not have access to this build (though it installs and activates with their existing product keys from Beta 2).

That's from our release bulletin at

and, yes, you can upgrade from Beta 2 to 5456, but in your case, it'd be better to clean install. Believe me, I've heard quite a few stories from people who upgraded, and none are pretty.
Got it to work finally! It was merely because the wrong speech recognition engine was selected as the default. Once I changed it the wizard now works. Plus by right-clicking the .exe's in Soundmax and telling them to run as admin and compat with XP SP2 the sound wizard finally appeared.

Now if only I can get my Lexmark printer to print out the command sheets I would be really happy!!

Dang, all this after I already purcahsed a new sound card on eBay...yet to arrive.

lmao - I know how you feel.

But hey, look on the bright side. You have just purchased an undeniably excellent audio card that'll last you till Vienna and more :smile:
LOL...pity the same fiddling around wont work with Lexmark. I think it's because the UI uses the old Windows Help interface.
ah, yeah.
That's probably it. I have a used to have a Lexmark, it was the same crappy interface. Maybe now they can invest in a standard C++ or .NET GUI without all that incompatibility crap. Just because their printers are cheap doesn't mean the software has to be too >.<