Have a new system with a fresh install of Vista Ultimate x64. Installed all updates available. Installed Office 2007. Works great for about six startups then the BCD gets corrupted and the error message comes up:
BCD missing or corrupt
I followed the on screen instructions and used the DVD to repair and it worked fine fro about six startups then corrupted again.
So I followed the instructions and manually repaired the Vista bootloader.
Recovering the Vista Bootloader from the DVD - NeoSmart Technologies Wiki
that worked for another six startups. So on to using the EasyBCD and followed the instructions for rewriting with it (Very easy by the way!) and yet again it worked for another six startups and Corrupted again.
*note every startup I use Outlook and adobe PDF reader - these are the only programs that run.
Any idea why it keeps corrupting? I've racked my brain like crazy on this one and can't make sense of it. the BCD is perfect and works fine then just corrupts (not exactly six startups but usually around there). Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
BCD missing or corrupt
I followed the on screen instructions and used the DVD to repair and it worked fine fro about six startups then corrupted again.
So I followed the instructions and manually repaired the Vista bootloader.
Recovering the Vista Bootloader from the DVD - NeoSmart Technologies Wiki
that worked for another six startups. So on to using the EasyBCD and followed the instructions for rewriting with it (Very easy by the way!) and yet again it worked for another six startups and Corrupted again.
*note every startup I use Outlook and adobe PDF reader - these are the only programs that run.
Any idea why it keeps corrupting? I've racked my brain like crazy on this one and can't make sense of it. the BCD is perfect and works fine then just corrupts (not exactly six startups but usually around there). Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.