Vista on fake raid 0 with Ibex dual boot, Help

Which leads me to an apparently unrelated question " How do you get the snipping tool to capture a drop-down?"
I've seen examples posted here, and the Vista help says to minimize the clipper then CTRL + Prt Scn with the menu displayed, but no matter what I try, the menu disappears as the clipper grabs focus.
I was trying to show you the drop-down I get, which shows the IDE disk (all properly configured) as disk 0 instead of disk 1, identical to disk mgmt.

I used a fantastic little utility called prtscr the vid :booyah:
OK i think I got a solution for the snipper problem...

They were correct in using ctrl+print screen but didn't explain the proccess correctly:

1) Lanuch snipper tool as you normally would
2) Minimize the window
3) Restore the window
4) Without minimizing, give the application you want to get the menu screenshot from focus without re-minimizing the snipper tool.
5) Open the menu you want a screenshot of
6) Press Ctrl+Print Screen. The snipper tool re-appears with the selection tool while keeping the menu you have in the application open.
7) Select the area of the menu you want a screen capture of.

While they may have made the ESC key be used for this purpose, this is the only way I could be able to get a screenshot with a menu remaining open.


You can even use this for tooltips snapshots too like this:

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Just use prtscr i posted above, I did use the Vista snipping tool until I found this. Its great to be able to doodle an arrow or underline on the snipped pic before you save, or decide what outline shape the snip should be, even irregular. Try it out, its great

Snipper has tools for stuff like that too. It isn't that I'm saying the utility you've brought up isn't worthwhile, I'm just reporting on a solution to a poorly documented feature on MSes part.
Thanks Jus. I'll give it a whirl.
I'll have to do a time and motion study to see whether it's quicker than
Prt Scn
Snip, which is how I captured and annotated one of these.
I say the snippers faster. At least to the clipboard anyway cause with paint you'd need to select the area of the screenshot you want, copy into another instance of paint, save the file. They should have made it easier to do this though, or double checked thier steps before putting it into help. I didn't even see a feedback box like there usually is. Oh well, I'm sure its a problem in Windows 7 too, will just report that way :smile:
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No, I did it as stated. Didn't save it, or crop it, or manipulate it at all inside Paint.
Just used Paint (full screen) to paste the frozen prt scn from the clipboard, then used the snipper to sample that frozen image as if it were live. It's only 2 clicks longer than a standard snip, but it manages the freeze of drop-downs, tips, cursor etc.
Ok now i'm confused... you used paint and snipper?
If you used paint, why'd you import into snipper? To crop the menu?
I didn't import into snipper. I just used the paint window in fullscreen to paste the screen image from prt-scr directly from the clipboard. The screen then looked like (and was) a frozen image of what I wanted to snip in the first place.
I then just ran snipper and captured the bit I wanted from the pre-frozen image.
Then I annotated the snipper image as usual, and exited paint without ever modifying or saving anything in it at all.
I just used it as a quick way of displaying the frozen image where I could sample it with snip.
Ok now I know why they did the documentation wrong. I just tried ctrl+alt+print screen without snipper or anything and sure enough I was able to capture a window with a menu open and an item selected. The trick is pressing crtl first with the menu you want open in a window and than while holding ctrl down, hit alt+print screen. A useful thing to know if you need to get a quick screenshot without having to fiddle with snipper/paint.
I don't use alt or ctrl. Just a straight prt scn captures everything to the clipboard with dropdowns etc.