W7 nog met Vista bootmenu


Voorheen op dezelfde HDD
C: Windows XP
D: Vista
Bootmenu werkte prima.

D: geformateerd en W7 op geinstalleerd, ging prima zonder problemen.

Nu C : XP
D : Windows 7
Maar bij opstart weer vista bootmenu.
Kan wel XP opstarten, maar niet Vista : foutmelding en terecht.

Opstart met W7 dvd, zonder toest indrukken, dan een ander (W7) bootmenu en kan ik W7 opstarten zonder problemen.

Hoe kan ik nu het vista bootmenu verwijderen of vervangen door het W7 bootmenu.
Blijkbaar is de vista bootmgr nog actief op c: drive.

M.vr.gr. Aragon
Hi Aragon, welcome to NST.
I'm afraid you'll need to post in English if you want any answers to your problem, since this is after all an English-speaking forum. We don't speak (or rather, read) German or whatever language that is you've got going there.
W7 still with vista bootmenu
previously on the same hdd
C: Windows XP
D: vista
Bootmenu worked well.

D: Formatted and installed W7, was fine without problems.

D: Windows 7
but to start again vista bootmenu. Can XP start-up, but not vista: indicated and rightly so.

Starting with W7 DVD, without pushing any button, than I get another (W7) bootmenu and W7 opens normally.

How can I now have the vista bootmenu removed or replaced by the W7 bootmenu. Apparently, the vista bootmgr still active on c: drive.

Kind regards, Aragon

Screendump are attached.
But many things have become more clear to me now. Unexpected, but helpful.

I did had installed another Windows on my PC. So I give you a new overview.

C: Windows XP
D: W7 (original Vista)
F : Windows Home Edition

I saw that Vista bootmenu comes from C : XP
W7 bootmenu comes from F. I could get it opened without W7 DVD by change HDD priority to F: It worked.

Problem now is how to get the XP/Vista bootmenu modified to append W7 on it.

Screendump W7 is done on W7 (remind that C: and D: drive are alternated in this case)
Screendump XP is done on XP

Hope for help, Aragon


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You have installed W7 onto a Logical disk.
Logical Disks cannot be "active", so the install will not put the boot files inside C: with the rest of W7
That's why the boot files have installed in F:\
You can change the BIOS to put the F:\ HDD first in the boot sequence
Boot W7
Install EasyBCD 2.0 latest build (not 1.7) on W7
Add/Remove entries
Windows Tab
select XP from "type" dropdown menu
Click "Add Entry"
EasyBCD will offer to auto-configure the XP boot - say "yes"
don't change the XP drive letter.
Hi Terry. Thanks.
All works well.

Bootmenu :
1 = XP Pro
2 = W7
3 = Xp Home

When I select XP Pro in the bootmenu, it gives a second selection menu.
XP on drive D:
XP on drive F:

Could I skip this second menu by changing some settings in EasyBCD ?

Regards, Aragon
The auto-configure must have detected an XP system on F:\ to have created that 2nd entry in boot.ini (that's why a second menu comes up).
If you never use the XP system on F, then you can delete that entry
Use EasyBCD / Tools / Edit legacy entries and you'll see boot.ini
Make sure that the default line describes the system that you want to keep.
If it does then you can delete the unwanted line in the [operating systems] section.
If the default line describes the system you don't want, then change it to the same rdisk and partition values in the [operating systems] line that you do keep.
ok Terry. That's a easy one. Done, because this XP was on the HDD of my old Pc. Never use home edition .

When I copy bootmgr and bootdirectory into other drive D: will this bootmenu than also work after priority change back HDD in the bios ?

Sorry Aragon, I didn't read your post #7 carefully enough.
You should not have 2 XP entries in the BCD.
MS does not design it to work that way.
One XP entry in the BCD chains NTLDR, and NTLDR lets you choose between multiple XP systems.
Delete the extra XP entry from the BCD, it will take you to exactly the same NTLDR menu as the other entry.
You can't move bootmgr and the other boot files into the logical drive and there's no need to move them into the other XP partition. Just leave F: as the first in the BIOS.
If you must move the boot files, (because you're getting rid of the F: drive, for example), then you can use EasyBCD / Diagnostics / Change Boot Drive, and it will copy everything for you. (then you can change the BIOS boot sequence again)
Dear Terry.
On Bootmenu from F: deleted XP Home.
Changed Boot Drive to D:
Result : all same as before, only I miss the XP Home entry from the bootmenu.

Boot menu from F:HDD works well, but still including second selection menu.

Bootmenu from D:HDD works only for XP Pro. W7 can't be activated : erromessage (same as before on the "vista"menu). So the boot drive change did not work.
Do I have to delete old stuf before ?

Any new proposals ?

See also pictures.
Bootmenu should be ok, but is not.


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The screenshot shows F: is still "system". That's where all the boot files are.
Did you use EasyBCD /Diagnostics to change the boot drive ?
You clicked "change boot drive" / "rescue my system" then pointed to C: ?
What did it say ?