Windows Mail Annoys Me!


Staff member
It would have been so easy for Microsoft to give Windows Mail a taskbar icon that actually tells you either visually or audibly when mail comes in. As it is now you have to be actually signed in to WM before you can tell if any mail is incoming.:angry:
Anyone know of a tool/utility that would do that? :nerd:
Not sure.

My friend Kristan (nighthawk) wrote a taskbar utility for Windows Mail that would minimize it to tray and stuff, but I'm not sure if he ever added new-mail notification.
His site's offline now, but I'll see if I can host a copy on NST's severs..... it's nifty even without the new-mail thingy, it takes up so much room on the taskbar!
LOL...thanks! Just about every non-Microsoft email programme has audible notification, whether or not you are signed in.
Ex_Brit said:
LOL...thanks! Just about every non-Microsoft email programme has audible notification, whether or not you are signed in.
So do the other Microsoft Mail Applications :'(

(Outlook, Live Mail, etc.)

It's just Windows Mail with the attitude problem, and you have no idea how much we begged (and are still begging) MS in the NGs and IM to add tasktray support to OE.... :rage:
This tool allows you to run Windows Mail and minimize it to the tray - when you get new email, the default Windows Mail New Mail Notification sound is played and another icon will appear.

Attached to the post :smile:


    55 KB · Views: 281
Nighthawk said:
This tool allows you to run Windows Mail and minimize it to the tray - when you get new email, the default Windows Mail New Mail Notification sound is played and another icon will appear.

Attached to the post :smile:
Thanks Nighthawk..there's only one problem here...when I click on that I get the following...tried several times in Vista and in XP:

This application has generated the following error:
Warning [2]: Header may not contain more than a single header, new line detected.
The error was reported on line 133 of /home/neosmart/public_html/forums/modules/misc.mod.php
Code Snippet:
00128 $attach_type = 'inline';
00129 }
00131 header("Content-Type: {$upload['upload_mime']}\n" .
00132 "Content-Disposition: {$attach_type}; filename=\"{$upload['upload_name']}\"\n" .
00133 "Content-Length: " . filesize($file_path));
00135 readfile($file_path);
00137 $this->DatabaseHandler->query("
00138 UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "uploads SET

Copyright © 2004, Jaia Interactive all rights reserved.
Sorry guys, MyTopix (the forum script) has quite a few bugs, and it seems they're not going to be fixed anytime soon.. we might have to switch forum engines later.. but for now i'm going to host NH's file on NST..


Yeah, DigitalFive is gone, it used to be NightHawk's site.

Kris, I thought this had notification.... how hard would it be to add it?

@Peter: we'll just sit here and wait for Kris to reply :grinning:
I'll try to be patient...! :grinning: :evil: :crazy:

By the way, when I turned on my PC again the taskbar shortcut had gone.
Windows Mail Tray Controller allows you to run Windows Mail in the background and then have it minimized to the tray (just like Outlook 2003 / 2007) - if Windows Mail is running in the background you will receive audible and iconic notification that there is a new mail message.
Well I would get audible notfication if any email client was minimised to the tray wouldn't I so isn't that utility superfluous? No offence meant by the way, just curious.
The utility seems to have vanished from my taskbar anyway.

I think NH is saying that Windows Mail already gives audible notifications by default so long as it is running.
But Windows Mail doesn't minimize to the taskbar - that's where is program comes in.
Just a thought:
Open the sound control panel and go to the vista sounds section.
There is a notification called "new mail messag"
does it have an associated sound?