Windows Recovery Disc Won't Boot

ok ill see if i can borrow a vista DVD but if it comes down to buying a new HDD i think i might buy a XP cd and use XP instead of vista as i have had many problems with vista
do you think i should go with XP or stick to vista?
Stick with Vista or upgrade to Windows 7. XP is a dying OS and MS stopped shipping out new licenses for it.
ok im back
so i got a vista dvd from a friend and when i try to install i get stuck again in the green/blue screen after it say windows is loading files
does this mean my HDD is bad?
It might. Boot from a Ubuntu disc and wipe out all the partitions using gparted, than try to install Windows.
ok im sorry for all the questions
how do i exactly wipe out the partitions with ubuntu?


nevermind i googled it
ok that seems to have been the problem, i deleted the partitions and now i got the setup screen
it is installing now i hope the install goes smoothly
ill be back once im done installing to post my results

so i been trying to install all day with no success and i got all kinds of problems
i guess i really have to get a new HDD but is there a way to make sure thats the problem?
i dont wanna pay 70+ dollars to buy one only to find out that wasnt the problem
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