Computer Gaming

the life in halo1 was better wereas you actually have bars instead of getting injured and healing after a bit but in halo2 you have an auto recharging life bar like many of the recent games (crysis cod......) i saw my brother playing legendary halo2 he didn't last like 3 seconds against elites (i only played the first level or so)
I played Legendary in Halo, i think i beat it three times or something like that. Once you get the hang of how to play it its semi-difficult (plus i didnt have any other games to play).
Halo 1 has a good difficulty system but Halo 2 is just messed up. The easy and heroic are too easy. And the Legendary is way tooooooooooooo hard. I couldnt get past the first level. :frowning:
Halo 2 on Legendary is the best.
It took me a long time to get the hang of it, but it's so much more fun!
i guess an upside/downside of slow internet is no-online gaming and no password hacks. :smile:
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well everyone knows that the internet isn't secure but i guess thats a small price to pay
What's the hardest game you played? :tongueout:
the hardest game i played was warcraft on hard of course and halo
Im pretty sure Guru is going to say GRAW.
I personally found it too easy, but thats just me. (could be because i only played the first level)
Im going to have to go with Halo2 and maybe COD4 on the very hardest.
I found Warcraft pretty easy. Only levels i had trouble with is the ones where you have to old on to the city for a hour or so.
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especially the expansion pack of warcraft 3 the problem is there's one level you can't beat so you got to ign cheats and promise yourself for just this level and then the next and then the next and then and the next until you stop enjoying the game no offense ign (in case there lawyers are watching)
Hardest game...

seeing as i play through most games on easy the first time through and increase the difficulty as i beat it,

Halo (1) on the PC was very easy, troubling at times (library) but otherwise pretty easy (on legendary)

COD4 on the hardest is really hard, but Crysis is harder just on easy lol

So crysis
Crysis on "Hardest" is hard, but not that bad.
Halo 2 on "Legendary" is awesome.
But for hardest ever? GRAW1 on "Hardest"

CoD4 is easy no matter what setting you choose. It's rather stupid when it comes to scaling, the only thing that changes is the number of bad guys you have to eliminate: it gets really really boring when the whole point is you vs. 400 baddies and you just keep dying because of how long it takes.

People are claiming GRAW2 is harder than one, but GRAW1 (especially the final level) on "Hardest" took me forever to finish!
can't comment cause i haven't played any of them but is it gamingly (derived from physically and literally is it a word??????) possible to fight off 400 guys all your weapons would deplete more like 399.9
Yeah, well the "%original_number% - %really_small_number% instead of %original_number%" was getting old.
postal two ???? do you have to deliver the mail or something snow sleet or hail we shall deliver i'm amazed postal one was any good lol
They say its the most violent game ever made so I wanted to see whats up, but yeah, its terrible, trash.

I'm looking into Star Wars Republic Commando. :smile:

I played the demo when it came out, and I liked it.