Computer Gaming

We were talking about google earth

Whats the Eiffel Tower doing there? Does it have anything to do with the game or is it just a joke?
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I have that game. Still have yet to play it. But i did take care of some troublesome spots for the wife. It is a really interesting game. I tried Metroid Prime 3 for the Wii. Now that was a experience. Same thing goes for Super Mario Galaxy. All are great games.
Hook 2 of them together & you could probaly outrun a Cray, LOL
I play a game called outlaws & its fun
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Amazingly im also kind of playing some flash games. Sonic and a couple others.
Does anyone know if there is a recent Sonic game for PC?
I got some games mostly made in 2003,they are Enter The Matrix, Star Wars: Republic Commando and GTAIII(2001)

Which I play from time to time, I rarely have time, I'm killing myself with modeling and more of modeling :tongueout: and after that... can you believe it? Modeling! :??

im not a fan much of point and click adventure games much

i downloaded the demo on steam, try it out before you buy it
I think XFire is broken. I have been on Ubuntu for the past 2 weeks. I just went back to XP last night for the first time cause i had to do some GFX work that i needed Photoshop for and some how i got 11 Hours of Solitaire played? o.0