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!!!!!SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!
it says dont panic on the front of the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy in big capital letters and it supposedly sold more than the other guide because of dont panic
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ahh okay how is that a spoiler alert ronin what did you spoil also if youre going to be exact about the number of days left till you go to college shouldn't you change it every once in a while?
well i spoiled it for you if you were planning on reading the book to find out about DON'T PANIC. Thats why i put spoiler in big letters so if you want to read and find out you wouldnt read the thing. I meant it more as a joke.
And about my signature its kind of hard to update it every day, so if its okay with you ill change it every two weeks or so.
Thanks, Terry!
I wanted to leave it at 4,999 for a while but I couldn't resist the urge to post! :lol:
Wouldn't that prove an insoluble dilemma for Monk ?
4999 (1 and 3digits) or 5000 (1 and 3 again !!!)
Incidentally series 5 just started here on BBC2 on Saturday. I've missed him, It's been a while since they aired S4 (This was the one with 2 Monks (Stanley Tucci doing a lovely impression))
I remember that episode! (I didn't like it much, I found their combo overly-annoying :wink:)

Monk Season 6 just finished week before last <strike>here</strike> in the USA; I'll have to way another 6 or 7 months for it to start again :frowning:
They are starting Monk up again in the Summer. So it wont be much longer actually. USA keeps putting those commercials on that Monk is returning in the Summer. I am guessing they are doing that cause the last few episodes of Monk were not from the real writers. Since they were on strike and all.

Monk TV Series, Detective Monk Television Show - USA Network

They say he returns in July. So that only leaves a few months to go without the new episodes.
Im pretty sure its like Colombo, (at least thats what my cousin told me to get me watching it) So maybe you can relate to that if you used to watch Colombo.
He's the very opposite of Columbo - obsessively compulsively neat.
He's an O/C Sherlock Holmes, analytical and methodical. (but under 24/7 psychiatric analysis)