Programming in .Net

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Man it feels good to get something like this done :smile:

All semester we were just doing calculations and displaying stuff on forms. I wanted to take what I've learned over the last few months and build something I could actually use. More importantly, what others may want to use. To put toegether an actual application that is useful on my own pretty much with the help provided here is still amazing to me... On to C# and better programs :smile:

I can only imagine how good it feels to put together the finishing touches on an application like EasyBCD that helps thousands every day. So thanks again for everything....

So I assume this means you're done? Great work, Justin! :grinning:


Yep. Done with the basic suff anyway. I already got plans for things I want to add :lol:
Congrats Justin - I live for that feeling that you're talking about. Welcome to the club :smile:
Ok now for the simple stuff :smile:

Which design do you think is best? The dark backgrounds with light text or the light yet colorful clean background?

I'd have to say light background, dark text...:wink: Its just better in my opinion, but basically you should use what you like the best, since you are after all its creator. :smile:

I prefer the ink on paper look to the chalk on blackboard, with a minimal use of heavy colour as you can see below, but we're all different (Just take a look at PCeye's screenshots - there's a man who likes a lot of colour on his screen)
Go with whatever reflects your own personality, like Cool says.


  • Opendesk.JPG
    326.3 KB · Views: 6
I liked the darker look, but even that got to be too much after awhile for me. I built the application with others in mind than just myself, so its always good to have some feedback (especially positive since the lighter one is the newest build :smile:)
Well, you can see my taste in design from EasyBCD & Co - like Terry & Cool, light is what does it for me :smile:
Hmm... should I make it all just normal controls than? I'm not a designer or anything but I wanted at least a little color in it to make it stand out (color list/group boxes, etc.)
Design is a tricky thing. You can't stand out if you don't make a customized UI - but the chances of doing it in a way that hurts more than helps are really, really high.

I guess you're going to have decide if you want to give it a shot :smile:
Well theres just something about having blank and boring that gets to me. Here's what I've got for the next major version I've been working on:


Its dark, but I've sort of compromised, keeping the controls slightly light. I've made some of the fonts bold/increased thier size for easier readability. So any feedback on the new design? I'm thinking about adding settings to the program to control TRT's defaults and might actually throw in a few different color schemes that can be controlled for the user's liking.

-----Seperate Topic-----

I have a question about the Assembly information that can be set in project properties. How would you make things like Company, etc show for an application like "NeoSmart Technologies" shows for apps like EasyBCD? I've tried entering a value for the company field, yet it doesn't work. The only fields that have worked have been the title field (which translates to the file description field in windows explorer) and the version field. Any other way of doing this?
I think the new design looks great, but I personally think it would look a bit better if you had more black in the left pane, and less gray if you know what I mean. :wink:
Well, I was trying to get it as dark as possible, yet I still wanted it to be noticeably different from the right side. I'll see what I can do about that...
Well, I think if you changed the part of the left pane that is dark gray to black instead, it would look great. :wink: But then again, that's just me...
Do whatever you want with the program, since it is after all your creation.
I have a question about the Assembly information that can be set in project properties. How would you make things like Company, etc show for an application like "NeoSmart Technologies" shows for apps like EasyBCD? I've tried entering a value for the company field, yet it doesn't work. The only fields that have worked have been the title field (which translates to the file description field in windows explorer) and the version field. Any other way of doing this?

Alright in regard to the assembly information it for some reason decided to work properly when I had a code window opened for AssemblyInfo.vb. Why it wouldn't work through the project properties without it open who knows....
Well its all black like you wanted now cause I had to redo it. Accdiently used shift delete (keep multiple copies as I work) and got the wrong one lol
Oh, man! That sucks...:frowning: Hope it didn't take too much work to rebuild it.
Mind posting a fresh screenshot then, so I can see firsthand the new version? :wink:
Its basically the same, without the left right split of the screen, except now the whole window is black.
Well this simple programs easily growing to 3k lines of code lol

So what I've decided is it'll have color schemes for the user to adjust with all of the designs shown in this thread as well as just plain, so if you don't like everything being dark it'll be easily changeable :smile:

I'd post screenshots, but as you can imagine with the different color schemes things well look different and I'm still working on a thing here and there. I'm trying to document the program too. That's probably one of the hardest parts of this :smile:

Anyway, back on topic. Questions more geared towards CG but if anyone else knows the answer than great!

With the assembly product name value, well this show as a friendly name in add/remove programs if the user was to install the program rather than the name of the executible (name of project)?

I like to keep all applications where you can use them without being installed if possible, but I might do an installer project if I distribute this thing for users that would rather install it like the traditional windows program and have an icon installed on the desktop for it...
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