I've got a DVD burned ready to go now, and I'm currently revamping my HDD philosophy. I'm reducing the size of my internal backup partition on my old IDE disk, migrating the older generations of backup to my external HDD, pulling back the page file and IE cache onto the SATA, and creating new partitions for W7 and Ubuntu.
I'll be upping from dual-boot to quad-boot, so in future I might be able to offer some Linux boot advice, instead of just pointing to the wiki or leaving it to the rest of you. I'll act as a guinea-pig and test whether our documentation is as good as it could be, see if I get a working Linux without calling for help myself.
One question someone can answer before I start though. When I originally set up my dual boot I left a spare partition for Linux which I grabbed for XP apps when I expanded my XP use from ATi AIW support to full-blown XP. One reason I didn't get round to putting Linux on was because I found that I should have left 2 partitions (one for the swap) but in the last couple of days I seem to remember reading on one of the threads that Ubuntu 8 doesn't need a separate swap partition now.
Is that correct or should I allow for a small swap partition too ?