What I like about the original picture is that you can see the mountains in the back and other stuff more clearly... But you can't beat that green grass in the modded one!!
This is the scene you can recognize, it's the same place as the first photo in this thread, that 4 days ago this was the first photo I took that evening, and you can see that alone three far away - that is the three you can see a few posts up, on my way to that alone three I took a few photos that I will post.
Ah... it's a long story... well, I should take graphic design uni but it was kinda far... another town and all that... so I had to take the local uni... I like philosophy a lot... so... I took that one. I don't like it... but what ever... just about in a half a year or a year hopefully for Squad3 (game dev team) to sign a contract with publisher and get a licene for this powerful engine (sorry, I cant say lot about it ) and I'm out of here... :lol: