Performancing and PayPerPost!?!

OK, a bit late it may be, but it’s the holiday season – we shouldn’t even be posting at all! (Just kidding of course, we’re always here, and always hard at work). But anyway, why!? Why did Perfomancing, one of the very best online services for bloggers, have to be bought up by the nasty, cheating, and totally immoral PayPerPost!?

For those of you not in the know, PayPerPost accquired Performancing on December 25, 2006 (Welcome to 2007 everyone, btw!), and are making sure everyone knows about it. Performancing is a great, friendly, and honest company; PayPerPost made their money through dishonest, bribery, and deception. Whereas Performancing was an honest service that most bloggers were proud to be a part of, PayPerPost’s very essence involved shame and denial – what a match!

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Updated Comment-Entry Form

A long time ago NeoSmart Technologies used to have WYSIWYG editors all over the place, but things just didn’t work out. For one, it was rare for a post with even tiny bit of formatting applied to be rendered as valid XHTML (like the rest of the site), and for another, it was very incompatible with newer versions of certain web browsers and older versions of others – so we got rid of the system.

However, we’ve had quite a few complaints about WordPress’ default requirement for encoded HTML entities, and many posts were lost by including an unencoded “<” or other element. We’re glad to say we’ve found an alternative. We came across the Xinha WYSIWYG editor, a nice (and possibly minimal)-looking editor that has a new experimental HTML-creation engine that produces truly valid code no matter what you throw at it. That and the fact that it can easily be customized (as we’ve done here) and works on almost any browser made it the ideal choice for NeoSmart Technologies.

Anyway, it works fairly well and a spell checking module is also being added at the moment. For anyone not wanting to use the WYSIWYG editor (especially if you’re trying to write some code), you can press the icon of a document with “<>” superimposed on it – that’ll display the pure HTML and you can do what you like from there.


The Law of the Jungle

Copyright rules don’t apply online. Well, technically speaking, they apply just the same as anywhere else, but the way the internet is ‘organized’ and how information and content is not limited to a particular location or country has raised a lot of issues on international copyright violations and have more than their share of lawsuits. That’s not what this article is about though, we’re not lawyers, and nothing we say here will make any immediate difference. This is about the one thing you can do that will make it almost impossible for anyone to take any action against you, no matter what it is you did or who they are.

It’s the law of the jungle. It’s a wild beast that has been thus far never been truly stopped, and you can use it for your own advantage. It’s called fair use, and it’s near impossible to truly define. Simply put, if you see something online and you want to use it in an article or presentation or project, all you have to do is cite your sources, follow that up with a link, and you’re good to go.

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3 Ingredients for Perfect Posts

So you want to perfect your blog, get that traffic, make your ratings rocket, and eat off the fat of the land. Well, we can’t claim we’re experts in that field, but here’s some things we have noticed in our time blogging..

There’s three kinds of posts. You need them all, even if it doesn’t look like it. They don’t bring equal traffic, they’re not all as easy to write, and some take longer than others, but you have to do it if you want to succeed.

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TV Episode Web Calendar

I just wanted to blog this site before I lost the link again.. It’s an amazing website, looks cool, has a lot of info, and is essential to any TV Show addict. Doesn’t make a difference if you want to keep track of 24, LOST, Desperate Housewives, or The Nature Channel. It’s a great site, complete with summary’s taken from