Pardon the word-play, but the “all-new” My.Netscape launching tomorrow may very well be two years too late. When talking about a highly-dynamic market like the social web, it’s important to be on-the-ball with what you offer and when you offer it. It’s a cut-throat market, and being a month late can make all the difference – hence this prediction: “My.Netscape 2.0” isn’t going to make the cut.
For one thing, Netscape doesn’t offer anything that’s not already there, provided by the now more-popular social web homepage services, like NetVibes, PageFlakes, Live, Yahoo!, and Google. The most important thing to keep in mind is: users have already left. If they have no reason to switch back to My.Netscape, why should they? They can get equal/better services elsewhere on the web, they’ve already configured them, and they’re more or less happy there.