One of the most powerful features of EasyBCD is the ability to create a bootable repair USB that you can carry around and use to boot or recover PCs from USB.
ISO images are added from the ISO tab on the bottom-half of the “Add New Entry” page:

EasyBCD adding new ISO entry screen
The name to be display at boot time.
The path to the ISO image you’d like to boot from. If you’re creating a bootable USB, this image should be on the USB drive itself (and not on your local PC). The path should not contain any spaces, and the file’s extension does not matter.
There are two different load modes for ISO images. If you have trouble with one, you should try the other.
- Run from Disk: The image is loaded from its location on-disk. This can perform slightly slower, but is more reliable.
- Load from Memory: The image will be copied to the memory before loading, which may give the appearance of a hung bootloader for larger files.