4Chan Strikes Again, Hiding Porn in Kids Clips on YouTube

Please note: that this sort of post is what the losers at 4Chan get a kick out of and look forward to seeing, it’s clear that they get a perverse sort of pleasure out of hearing these complaints, but isn’t possible for anyone with a shred of dignity to let events like this go without speaking.

4Chan, a group of immature script-kiddies that anonymously post online and organize “attacks” against various groups, organizations, and websites, are it again. This time, it’s not the Church of Scientology they’re attacking, but innocent children. As the BBC reports, members of 4Chan have been uploading videos containing explicit sexual content in droves to YouTube today, specifically targeting children.

The videos uploaded by members of 4Chan consisted of children’s clips that start off innocently enough, showing cartoons and other rated-G material usually targeted at children around 5 years old, but soon enough change to videos of adults engaged in sexual activity. 4Chan has the uncanny ability to strike a nerve, driving even the most liberal of internet users to condemn their behavior as pure evil. The problem is, the anonymous 4Chan members are perversely motivated by this sort of response, and cannot be shamed into bringing an end to their disgusting activities.

This isn’t the first time 4Chan does something that can only be described as pure evil. In March of 2008, 4Chan members flooded an internet board for victims of epilepsy with fast-moving and colorful images intending – and succeeding – in bringing about photosensitive seizures in visitors to the site. The last attack was carefully planned to occur just over the Easter weekend, guaranteeing less moderator activity on the forum and giving the attackers a bigger window of opportunity to maximize their damage.

The difference between the behavior that 4Chan engages in and what just about every other script kiddy organization on the web does is that 4Chan doesn’t do it to prove a point. They don’t do it just to prove they can, they do it to hurt. And the malicious intent makes all the difference. The internet isn’t the best place to pride yourself in holding the moral high ground, but in cases like this, it’s near impossible to understand just what it is that makes people like this tick.

Obviously there is no clear solution to bringing about the end of groups like 4Chan, but someone needs to do something, or else we’re all guilty of standing by and letting evil go.

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96 thoughts on “4Chan Strikes Again, Hiding Porn in Kids Clips on YouTube

  1. It’s when we start sending exploding vans that you really have to buy a dog to protect yourself against the internet hate machine. Oh, btw, better make sure this website is protected by 7 passwords otherwise it is gonna be taken down by us hackers on steroids.

    When you watch Fox News, everything seems scary. However if you actually talked to us you would see that we aren’t that bad.

  2. haha i loled so hard when i read this. 4Chan members flooded an internet board for victims of epilepsy with fast-moving and colorful images WIN! OP FAIL!

  3. Wow. This is “I’m twelve year old and what is this” all over again.

    Stuff like that is just fun and games to 4chan. They figure the kids will be seeing stuff like that soon enough in today’s society, and the worst part is, it’s true. I’ve heard of kindergarteners having sex, and 6 year olds knowingly burning down buildings, and who do we blame when stuff like that happens? 4chan, but if we really look, we can see it’s things like the morals instilled in children by Rap and Hip-Hop, as well as bad parenting. The parents these days should have all right to just smack a kid if he is disrespectful, but laws that prevent this are making this world worse.

    So, in other words, 4chan is just the aftermath of the other problems of the world created by people like us.

  4. Obviously he is angry that he was considered a newfag when entering 4chan grounds and thus shunned by all users. Faggot.

  5. I cant belive all the bullshit people say weather its boreder line child porn or not there is no border line child porn either it is or it’s not bottom line there is no in between either its good or evil so choose wisely its your choice those who use Gods children 4 sex is not the truth im not trying to kill game i just want those who read this to peep game some do it 4 money and some do it outta lust or just 4 kicks but at the end of the day what have u really done u should ask yourself is it positive or negitive or did i just provoke ah pedifile to harm another child murder or rape or torture a child who are our future well thanks alot numb nuts cause i hope u get the full package deal when u get sentenced im talk’in about the inmates who dont play that shit when it comes to a child of god just be ready to get what u deserve for ur works on a diffrent pay scale u should be scared

  6. Wow, first off, I agree with you, however some of your facts were off.

    The epilepsy attack was by a group called 420Chan, not 4chan.
    Now second-off. I know many people who use 4chan and I can vouce for their honour, because I know they would not participate in this. Half of them don’t even know what scripting is.
    And I have seen several cases, where the people of 4chan have helped, rather than this portrayal of them you have posted. One such detail has been mentioned here, with “Dusty”.

    Please keep your bias to yourself unless you know all of the facts, which this article clearly shows you do not. I don’t condone them either, but that is no reason to write such a spiteful article against a group, that may not even have been behind the attack on youtube.

    Wow, the BBC had one person who came forward, and said he waas part of a 4chan raid. Because when you’re caught, the first thing you are going to say is “It was this group, and I’m not going to just say another common online group similar to mine”

    No that would never happen.

    Now that I’ve said this, I feel better. Your article, while poorly constructed, and overly biased, does point out my belief, in that this is wrong.

  7. The epilepsy attack is insane. I would have never fathomed that a group of computer hackers could actually cause brain damage or death by seizure.

  8. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    >>>We do eet for teh lulz && lulz is wat make teh world go round>>>

    4chan does not
    4give, does not
    4get, does eet
    4 teh lulz…

  9. You sir are an idiot.
    Script Kiddies
    The chans are about being anonymous
    I personally go to 888chan and trust me we are no script kiddies.
    Can you find exploits in australian governments sites to take over the whole site?
    Well, Trust me 4chan has
    The chans work together
    They are one they are all
    We are against internet censorship and trolling and pissing off give us Lulz.
    We are pissed at this copyright thing on youtube so we counter it by pissing people off

  10. >and websites, are it again.
    >are it again.
    >>>are it again.
    60 b4ck 70 pr3sch001 4nd 134rn 2 6r4mm4r

  11. Soon there will be a large group of people in Guy Fawkes masks and trenchcoats swarming upon the writer of this blog’s home.

    We do not forgive, We do not forget.

  12. Falos – Your internet? U invented it? You bought it? Earned the right somehow to lay claim to it being yours?

    Wow you must be the richest guy in the world, u own the internet, wow.

  13. Note the difference between 4chan and /b/. And yes, these articles are why they continue to do things like this. They are probably laughing at you and saying that you were trolled. Good job feeding them.

  14. Haha go 4Chan!!! These kind of people are exactly what we need they arnt trying to hurt anyone but to teach people and kill off the weak loosers with epilsepsy and show kids what sex is.

  15. There are many reasons why childrens use of the internet should be supervised.
    This has been one of them
    I blame bad parents for children being exposed to things the parents don’t think they should be exposed to. If you arer the kind of parent that let your kids lose on the internet unsupervised you are the equivalent of a parent that leaves their children at an opium den with a prostitute for their entertainment.

  16. Early Grayce, I have on numerous occasions “started” a children’s video on YouTube in fullscreen mode and then left the PC unattended with kids too young to know how to use a PC (we’re talking 2-4 years of age). I’d expect that once I started a clip it wouldn’t magically turn into a porn flick.

  17. Mahmoud Al-Qudsi
    I blame bad parents for children being exposed to things the parents don’t think they should be exposed to. If you arer the kind of parent that let your kids lose on the internet unsupervised you are the equivalent of a parent that leaves their children at an opium den with a prostitute for their entertainment.
    You have been one of them.

  18. Youtube is only moderated after complaints are made. I will only allow my 3 year old child to view content that I have already viewed or comes from a reputable source like, here in Australia, the ABC streamed childrens shows.

  19. You’re supposed to be over 18 to view any 4chan boards, so kids shouldn’t be on that site anyway.

  20. 4Chan is a sad reflection on the state of mind of many people in our society. Some things are just not funny, and being vulgar and obscene in ways such as this is beyond the boundaries of good taste. How can one go about effectively combatting this? The war on terror would be much better if it gets turned into a war on cybercrime such as this.

  21. Do you not understand that your behavior is provoking the masses? Do you not care that your behavior is interrupting the status quo? You think it funny now, but the truth is that when you have provoked the lumbering beast your fun will be squashed. Then you will be just another stain on a footnote of history. Keep lulzing. Keep lulzing. You’re feeding the beast and too stupid to see it.

  22. No! They are not guilty of “standing by and letting it happen”!
    It’s effin’ 4chan!
    If you tried to persuade them to stop, you’d get at least 9000 responses consisting of these words:
    white knight

    Ironically, 4chan is actually pretty democratic. The mass decides.
    In some threads, that mass is brown and smells bad. So? Close the tab.
    Btw, they did it for the lulz.
    There’s ALWAYS a motive.

  23. ebaumsworld?
    Well, there is also the possibility that some people visit both?
    Nah… What am I saying!? Logic has no place in my internets!

  24. 4chan and Anonymous are the most powerful criminal Enterprise in network…
    People is in silence, fear!
    f you are really Anonymous, then combat CP!
    In 4chan.org, Anonymous believe they’ll push the button to start World War III,
    meanwhile the bastards are having fun with innocent and naive people,
    specially children: child porn, suicides, fear, terrorism, Sexual Violations
    Confidential Report. Anonymous is 4chan.org/b/
    “Californian Gangsters”
    Theirs tentacles ranging from murderers, rapists, child pornographers, grooming and scammers to advertising services like Adsense.
    ANONYMOUS does not evolve, ANONYMOUS has degenerated in TROLL HANDLED THAT ALMOST EVERYONE for sex life, they’re the hyenas of the Internet, they live to eat carrion
    Rules in 4chan.org
    1. All women or girls are whores
    2. Child pornography is essential like the air
    3. All boys are potential suicide & stimulatable
    3. Girls and boys are potential “objects of sexual pleasure”
    4. To destroy lives in Facebook is national sport
    5. To destroy young talents or funny child in youtube is orgasmic (fapping)
    6. It’s legal to scam Adsense (taliban guys), illegal is to be honest
    7. An hero is who uploading pics, gif or links killing or violating children
    8. Anonymous is a perfect deformation of bastard, nothing was before
    9. Today Anonymous is shameful, it’s the worts of the bad
    10. Yesterday Anonymous was respectable, today negligible
    11. Tomorrow ridiculous and criminalized
    ALL DATA ARE PUBLICS. Quoted source
    Link: http://www.4chan.org/
    Ref: the wikipedia garbage about 4chan
    Owner: Christopher Poole (AKA Moot)
    General Report CP, grooming, bullyng, terrorism
    Fraud AdSense: http://4chanadsense.blogspot.com
    Plot Google+: http://4chan-blog-random.blogspot.com

  25. 4chan and Anonymous are the most powerful criminal Enterprise in network…
    People is in silence, fear!
    f you are really Anonymous, then combat CP!
    In 4chan.org, Anonymous believe they’ll push the button to start World War III,
    meanwhile the bastards are having fun with innocent and naive people,
    specially children: child porn, suicides, fear, terrorism, Sexual Violations
    Confidential Report. Anonymous is 4chan org /b/
    “Californian Gangsters”
    Theirs tentacles ranging from murderers, rapists, child pornographers, grooming and scammers to advertising services like Adsense.
    ANONYMOUS does not evolve, ANONYMOUS has degenerated in TROLL HANDLED THAT ALMOST EVERYONE for sex life, they’re the hyenas of the Internet, they live to eat carrion
    Rules in 4chan.org
    1. All women or girls are whores
    2. Child pornography is essential like the air
    3. All boys are potential suicide & stimulatable
    3. Girls and boys are potential “objects of sexual pleasure”
    4. To destroy lives in Facebook is national sport
    5. To destroy young talents or funny child in youtube is orgasmic (fapping)
    6. It’s legal to scam Adsense (taliban guys), illegal is to be honest
    7. An hero is who uploading pics, gif or links killing or violating children
    8. Anonymous is a perfect deformation of bastard, nothing was before
    9. Today Anonymous is shameful, it’s the worts of the bad
    10.Yesterday Anonymous was respectable, today negligible
    11.Tomorrow ridiculous and criminalized
    ALL DATA ARE PUBLICS. Quoted source
    Ref: the wikipedia garbage about 4chan
    Owner: Christopher Poole (AKA Moot)
    General Report CP, grooming, bullyng, terrorism, fraund AdSense in profile.

  26. The problem is that truth these days is “relative.” What’s criminal in one country is not criminal in another. What’s sinful for one is “okay” for another. This attitude is wrong. There is a single absolute truth. You probably already know where I’m going with this, so I’ll stop now.

    It is unwise to classify 4chan as evil for the very reasons that everyone else brought up. It feeds the evil and causes them to continue, and it’s not true, as there are other more tame members/boards of 4chan. The main problem (from what I, a non-4channer, understand) is /b/, however, funny and creative stuff leaks out from /b/ onto the regular internet, so that’s not even 100% bad either :/

    I’ve heard some people say that nothing good can come from anonymity. This is untrue also. I’ve used Omegle, an anonymous chat program, and while 75% is horny teenage males, the rest either is just idle conversation or extremely serious. Once I had a conversation with someone who was saying suicidal things, and I was able to help him out of that. Without a doubt he wouldn’t have told anyone what he told me, because then people would think he had “lost it”.

    I guess what I’m trying to say is, focus on the positive anonymous interaction on the internet (such as Ponychan or non-adult board 4chan) and ignore the rest. Evil will always exist in this world. Screaming about it until your face is blue won’t satisfy anyone but you and the trolls responsible, and possibly draw more people into their group.

  27. 150 years ago the legal age for sex with a person of the opposite sex in the UK was 13.
    It is all relative unless it is with your cousin. then it is all relative.

  28. “In March of 2008, 4Chan members flooded an internet board for victims of epilepsy with fast-moving and colorful images”

    This has ebaums world written all over it! The hivemind of 4chan would never amount to greatness such as this.

    They did it for the lulz.

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