Word 2007: Blogging to WordPress

Microsoft has long led the fields of desktop innovation with Microsoft Office, and have done an amazing job with what they have. After developing the technology, Microsoft has proved time and time again that they are capable of protecting their position via sheer innovation and creativity – even if the Windows® line of products never matched the same bill.

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Windows Vista 5384 Released!

Windows Vista Build 5384 has been released to Tech Beta testers at Microsoft Connect.
Build 5384 is the real deal: Microsoft Windows Vista Beta 2 Milestone Build!

Contrary to public opinion and “leaked” information, Windows Vista Beta 2 is not a mere recompile of Vista 5381.1 and it isn’t 5381.4; Vista 5384 is Beta 2 and it’s official!
Microsoft has already launched the public download site for Vista Beta 2, but no more than that, only the site is live, but the build is not ready for download to non-techbeta testers yet.

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NeoSmart Technologies v2 Unveiled!

The new design for NeoSmart Technologies that has been under wraps for the past month or so has finally been unveiled, to coincide with the launch of WinHEC 2006.

The new design is content-centric, making it easy to reach all the resources on NeoSmart.net, without any of the hassle.

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Microsoft Office Public Beta 2 Available!

Microsoft has just made publicly available Microsoft Office 2007 Beta 2, the latest installment in the new Office 2007 Suite.

This is a public beta, meaning that anyone who wishes can download the software or request it mailed to their address.

NeoSmart Technologies will be conducting in-depth reviews of the entire Office 2007 suite now that it is no longer covered by the NDA, and our picture gallery will soon enough have more pictures than you’re probably interested in seeing.

Microsoft Office 2007 Professional Edition is 440.8 MB, and can be downloaded via Microsoft SmartSource (not to be confused with the now-extinct SourceSafe!).

Microsoft Office 2007 Beta 2

New NeoSmart Redesign

NeoSmart Technologies has decided to celebrate WinHEC in our own special way: the long awaited NeoSmart v2 will launch in phase 1 as WinHEC debuts!

“Phase 1” refers to the layout, with phase 1 we will have a new homepage, logo, theme, and design. Soon to follow will be a complete backend written in php (what else?) that will use databases to store, sort, and retrieve information from our ever-growing collection of whitepapers, guides, software, and reviews. At the moment phase 1 is still in alpha testing, but we hope if all goes well it will be uploaded and unveiled within 24 hours :)

Microsoft Expression Web Designer CTP 1

A new CTP for Microsoft Web Designer was recently released, and we finally got to take a look at it.

The first expression we felt was probably closest to anger, when we found out that Expression wouldn’t install on a machine that had Office 2007 Beta 1 TR 1 installed, but it seems that in using the Office 2007 installer (an excellent idea BTW, that installer is really easy to use, though a color other than grey would probably suite it better) it requires that no older versions of Office be installed. So we uninstalled Office 2007 and continued, the installation didn’t take long, and we were up and running 7 or 8 minutes later.

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phpBB, maybe IPB, 0-Day Vulnerability

Yep, it seems that there is another vulnerability in the most popular online forum script, phpBB. Not even news worthy, seeing as the script’s 15 minutes of fame have long passed, and this is but another bullet in a long-since bullet-riddled history, but nevertheless, here is another one.

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VistaBootPRO 1.0 Beta Released!

VistaBootPRO is now deprecated. NeoSmart Technologies’ EasyBCD utility has replaced it.

VistaBootPRO is the first tweak-ware to be released for Windows Vista, but it's more than just that. When Microsoft first announced that they would not be providing anything easier than bcdedit.exe (a CLI-only tool with nested options and embedded tags) for the modification of the boot loader, we knew something had to be done, and now we're proud to announce that together with PROnetworks and months of hard work, planning, desiging, and researching have come to test with the initial release of VistaBootPRO.

It can literally do anything with your Vista boot menu, and will in time completely replace bcdedit, but for now in this release there is still plenty to do, and much to learn. With VistaBootPRO 1.0, you can change everything and anything about how your boot loader looks, and what it loads, and where it goes with it. You can use VistaBootPRO to backup, export, modify, and restore the BCD registry at any time, and from any OS; so that even if your Vista won't boot, VistaBootPRO will!

Official Announcement
Download VistaBootPRO 1.0
VistaBootPRO 1.0 Support Forums

VistaBootPRO: Update

VistaBootPRO is now deprecated. NeoSmart Technologies’ EasyBCD utility has replaced it.

I'm really sorry to have to make this post, but yes, the assumtions that many of you emailed me are correct: VistaBootPRO has been delayed.

Don't get me wrong, the program is done, the files, are ready, the servers are up, the forums are open, and the experts are at hand, but nevertheless, VistaBootPRO has been delayed. It seems that there are some unforseen complications in our partnership with PROnetworks for the release of VistaBootPRO, and management issues on their end have caused this delay. NeoSmart Technologies has finished our part of the agreement, we are now just waiting on PROnetworks to let us know when they are ready. At this point, your guess is as good as ours, but for everyone's sake, we hope it's soon.

VistaBootPRO: Friday, May 12th!

VistaBootPRO is now deprecated. Use EasyBCD instead.

It’s official! VistaBootPRO is coming this Friday, May 12th; and you’d better get ready for it! Yes, VistaBootPRO is the name of the mystery app that many of you have been asking about; and no, I still can’t tell you what it does besides that (if you can’t guess…).

Both NeoSmart Technologies and PROnetworks are very happy to be able to bring you this release, and we’re all working really hard to make sure it’s a success. For now, here is a userbar with half a logo to whet your appetite until later. And I promise, if everything goes well, you’ll know more before Friday :D