Prescription Meds for Windows Vista Sleep Disorder

Are you experiencing Windows Vista Sleep Disorder syndrome? Does your PC refuse to wake up once you put it to sleep? Does it wake up blind, deaf, and dumb? Does it refuse to connect with others in the family? Groggy eyes? Slow reflexes? Then NeoSmart Technologies has just the thing for you!

Several months ago, we published an article that described all these symptoms and more that happen to Windows Vista x86 and x64 PCs ever since RTM. We brought all these problems to Microsoft’s attention during and after the beta process, and now it’s time to reap the fruits of our work.

We’ve compiled a list of patches and hotfixes that address some (the majority actually) of these issues, you can check it out here at the original article. There is no guarantee that they’ll fix your problem, and you may have to contact Microsoft by phone to get access to these hotfixes. Hope they help!

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4 thoughts on “Prescription Meds for Windows Vista Sleep Disorder

  1. +++ FIX +++


    Hi people, i only installed vista about 3 days ago (for the 2nd time, installed it originally back in nov as a test from our work disc, to make sure my main hardware worked ok with it)


    Anyway, i too had a problem with sleep, which was very annoying as i like the instant on idea. I tried a LOAD of hot fixes, fiddles, BIOS upgrades etc, but no luck. What finally fixed it for me was the new nVidia Drivers 97.55c, which i got from the acer webste in a vista driver bundle for my laptop (An Acer Aspire 5630 with nVidia GeForce Go 7300) I hope this helps at least one other person.


    Note: Im not sure if it was just the new nVidia drivers that fixed it, as i tried all the hotfixes first, but install all them hotfixes etc and latest video drivers and hopefully it’ll fix it.


    Quite happy with vista now, smooth, stylish and fast. 

  2. Yeah, the nVidia drivers did fix it on one of my PCs, but not on my main one.

  3. Some systems require nVidia driver 101.32 or later for sleep to function properly. The latest beta is what finally worked for me; and I did not use any hotfixes.  But after I installed the driver, the HIBERNATE option disappeared. See this for more info:



        “On resume from hibernate or sleep, the monitor only shows black but the computer is powered on. This can be worked around by completely turning off your computer and then restarting it. NVIDIA believes this issue is fixed in v101.32. Please download the new driver and if you are still experiencing problems, please submit a bug report.” ?

  4. Question from Robert H. Goretsky On my new Vista machine, it seems that the computer will not stay in Sleep mode.  Every five minutes or so, the computer ‘wakes up’.  I believe this is due to a slight detected mouse movement — is there any way to change the settings for what keys/movements cause a ‘wake up’ to occur?   Thanks, Robert H. Goretsky of Hoboken, NJ

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