MessengerLite for Windows


A lot of people have been complaining (within earshot of course) about Windows Live Messenger: it’s too slow, too resource intensive, and has just too many useless features they’ll never use and don’t like to have.

At NeoSmart Technologies, we hear you. So in order to hear you even louder, vote above and let us know if you’d be interested in a lite version of Windows Live Messenger. Something that’s fully compatible with the latest WLM protocol, and can share text, streaming webcam content, audio, and avatars with all MSN Messenger clients – and nothing more. This means no search, no silly themes, no advertisements, no games, no sharing folders, no winks, and definitely no nudges.

We like to do things right, so if our programmers were to create a lite version of WLM that just works and does just what you need and nothing more, doesn’t take much memory, and is 100% compatible with the MSN Messenger protocol, would you use and support such a thing?

Whether you would or you wouldn’t, vote above. If you would, vote so our programmers can get cracking, and if you wouldn’t, vote and let us know to focus our resources elsewhere — after all, NeoSmart Technologies is here for you.

Windows Live Messenger 8.0.0689 Screenshots & Review

The rumors are flying back and forth, and the suspense is so thick you could cut it with a knife: Is Windows Live Messenger 8.0.0689 a Release Candidate? Is this what Windows Live Messenger will turn out to be? Either way, no matter what you choose to believe or otherwise, no doubt we are coming real close to the final UI design and features.

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Who wants WLM (Windows Live Messenger)?

I’m making it clear from right now: anyone who spams this thread will have his IP banned from this and any future contests. Spamming includes many people coming here posting the same message over and over, a single IP address applying more than once, or asking for the status of your invite. It will not be tolerated.

Now to the good part: to claim your free WLM 8 invite, please enter your Passport.NET enabled email address in the email field. Do not post your email address for the world to see.

You must post a reason why you should be invited. If you don’t your comment will never even make it through. Don’t lie, we have our ways of finding out if you really are stranded in Antarctica and desperately need a better IM client.

So, comment away, and spammers beware!

(Many!) WLM 8 Invites!

If you head over to Night Hawk’s digitalfive right now you will find many WLM invites raring to go out.. over 70 invites, and no where near as many qualifying requests! Kristan (Night Hawk) and I, along with many other generous members of the blogosphere, have pooled our invites together and are engaged in a mega-give away! Kristan: put five more on my tab please!

Windows Live Messenger

Well, once upon a time ago I promised you regular update on WLM 8.0 Beta…

At the moment, my biggest issue with it is latency.. I send a message, and sometimes a person gets it immediately, sometimes half an hour later, and sometimes it comes back as undeliverable, although I had sent a line of text two seconds earlier that I had received on my other PC immediately..

I have yet to figure out sharing folders work, though as I am on 5270 part of the workaround is to disable sharing folders; but I could never get MSN WLM to inform the other party that I am attempting to share something, and when I tell them myself, they cannot open the shared folder on my computer… So much for that..

Nudges don’t make sound on Vista either.. But I realize that WLM is not made to be run on Vista… Not yet, at any rate… So I’ll try to focus on XP.

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