Who wants WLM (Windows Live Messenger)?

I’m making it clear from right now: anyone who spams this thread will have his IP banned from this and any future contests. Spamming includes many people coming here posting the same message over and over, a single IP address applying more than once, or asking for the status of your invite. It will not be tolerated.

Now to the good part: to claim your free WLM 8 invite, please enter your Passport.NET enabled email address in the email field. Do not post your email address for the world to see.

You must post a reason why you should be invited. If you don’t your comment will never even make it through. Don’t lie, we have our ways of finding out if you really are stranded in Antarctica and desperately need a better IM client.

So, comment away, and spammers beware!

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54 thoughts on “Who wants WLM (Windows Live Messenger)?

  1. Well, I’m not stranded in Antarctica, but I’m in the middle of corn country Indiana, and my car is broke down, so I’m kinda stranded… 🙂

  2. I’m in the Navy, I rely heavily on IM to talk to my wife and kids on deployment.

    Would love an invite to try this out.

  3. I don’t really have any really good reason, just think that it would be cool to have a look at the new features and see what all the hype is about, so an invite to WLM would be much appreciated. Thanks.

  4. I would like an invite. I’m stranded in Antarctica and desperatly need an IM client. 😉 Heh, just kidding. I don’t really have a reason other than to see what the WLM is like.

  5. Hi,

    I would like a live account as all my friends have them and I feel some what left out. I would really appreciate it if you could invite me to use Windows Messenger Live.

    Many thanks,

  6. Hello there,
    Why I want the WLM beta?. Because I was kicked out of the program because of leaking the messenger 7.5 beta. Yes it’s stupid I know..

  7. Hi,

    would like to see and try out the new msn beta – enjoy trying out new things.


  8. It’s ok. Not very good general purpose… it’s a very office environment messanger, most useful with Outlook and other MS products combined. Assuming it’s the same Windows Messanging program that I have at work anyway.

  9. I’d appreciate an Invite, I enjoy testing out Beta software and seeing what will be available, and figureing out how the stuff works before it hits the shelves.

  10. First wave of invites sent..
    Please be patient… more are on the way.

    I’d like to especially say thanks for not spamming!

    Spread the word, this is not a scam, invites are going out, and there is more to come!

  11. I do apologise for not giving a reason earlier. New year’s resolution #275: Must read blog entries _in full_.

    My reason. I’m a Web Developer, however I like to keep an independent view on things. I do not like to subscribe to MSDN, I’m not a Microsoft Partner and I’m not on any Microsoft mailing lists besides the security alerts. Therefore, I’m at a disadvantage in this case. I’d be grateful if you’d give me the opportunity to see and evaluate MSN Live.

  12. I would like an invite so i can share folders with my contacts. I am really excited to try it out! thanks

  13. Well 7.5 is a pain in the ass for me, it just doesnt wanna work with my CPU. Anyways I’m not gonna blow wind up your skirt I just want some sweet new Messenger action.

  14. Hi,
    Firstly, Thanks to JS for directing me to this site.
    Secondly, Thanks to TCG (The Computer Guru i.e) for this Offer.
    I’d definitely like an invite though not getting one would’nt bother me much either. Send one across if you have it……Thanks Once again.

  15. Hey all… MS has some weird bug that does not let me send any invites from IE… And it is refusing to open the link in FF… I have invites, just bear with me a couple of hours. Thanks!

  16. i would aprreciate if u could send me an invite. most of the people i know are xperiecing windows live messenger and i wana experience it aswell.

    thank you

  17. Hi,

    My work involves lots of travellings. As i am a consultant, i need to travel a lot and i use MSN messenger to keep me tin touch with my office. Also Live Messenger has federation services which i want to try and use it. Can you please send me an Windows Messenger Live invite.

    Thanks in Advance


  18. Hi there, Can you please send me an invite because i use MSN 7.5 heavily and i am only off when my internet is down!!! I would like to use the new version as soon as possible!

  19. I program using the MSN Messenger API and would love to have a look at what makes Live tick…it would be nice to have some handy tools released for everyone to use when it goes out of beta.

  20. Please, i’m love this tool, please let me use these new beta version even if it’s not completely stable…

  21. I think I’ve read and heard too much!

    This waiting for the final is killing me….

    Im probably to late but its worth a shot….

    P l e a s e g r a n t m e a n i n v i t e !!

  22. Oi mate wud u plz grant my wish and send me an invite.. It wud truly make my weekend 🙂 (except for the beer)

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