Everyone says Linux is harder to use than Windows. I’m not disputing that, Windows and Mac are most certainly simpler operating systems and easier to get used to for the computer illiterate, but just read on for ten important reasons why Linux is easier…
10) Easier to Get: It’s Free!
If you have a cable or DSL modem (and a subscription..) you’re all set! No need to stop by Best Buy and pay a visit to the “Geek” Squad or work extra hours to save up for Macintosh and its required hardware.. Even if you are still on dial-up there is hope for you: most popular distros have year-long or special occasion releases of free CDs.. and I really do mean free CD, free shipping and handling, free support, its all there!
9) Regular “Full” Releases
Not all of us know how to 7) download the latest kernel and compile, or how to update to that new shiny version of KDE (the one with the blue bars.. come on!) or how to upgrade OOo.. If you use a good distro, chances are a new version will be out with all these and more from 6 to 12 months after the last release!