With Windows 10 just around the corner, we’re mighty happy to report that our award-winning Easy Recovery Essentials for Windows is now currently available for absolutely free to all Windows 10 preview and RTM users.
Easy Recovery Essentials® for Windows, for those that haven’t tried it before, is a one-click disaster recovery CD for Windows that features 100% automated diagnostics and repair for Windows PCs. It’ll automatically go through an extensive battery of tests and diagnostics to solve all problems as it finds them (very quickly, too!) – all you have to do is boot from an EasyRE CD or USB stick, and select the OS you want to repair.
Easy Recovery Essentials for Windows 10 joins the rest of the EasyRE product family providing the following features:
- EasyRE is a Windows 10 repair disc that repairs all bootmgr, bcd, and winload.exe errors.
- EasyRE can also repair boot-time blue screens (such as the blue screen of death) caused by driver issues or hardware incompatibility problems.
- EasyRE is the only repair CD to repair EFI bootloader errors and problems with bootmfw.efi, winload.efi, and more.
- Easy Recovery Essentials automatically finds and corrects issues with the MBR, GPT, and partition records, resolving issues with the active partition, incorrectly configured partition entries, recursive partition records, overlapping partitions, and corrupted boot headers.
- EasyRE detects and resolves dozens of boot-time blue screens of death, and prevents many other BSODs while Windows is loading and when it is running.

Aside from the award-winning and exclusive automated repair functionality, EasyRE also presents many features useful in repairing computers and fixing problems:
- System/registry rollback and restore
- Offline virus scanning
- Deleted partition recovery tools
- Modern web browser
- Graphical partition editor
EasyRE can be made into a bootable CD or a bootable USB, and is compatible with just about every computer (32- and 64-bit) from all manufacturers, and supports Windows XP through Windows 10, in all languages and SKUs. EasyRE is also available for servers and for computer repair technicians.
FREE Download: Windows 10 Recovery ISO
The usual disclaimers apply: Windows 10 is still in beta, we cannot be held responsible if anything goes wrong (not that it should). While EasyRE has been fully updated and tested for compatibility with Windows 10 TP build 9926, we do not officially offer support for the Windows 10 versions of EasyRE at this time. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Follow us on twitter and facebook for updates. Ask any questions you might have below!
Hello dear Mahmoud Al-Qudsi : I bought and I’d burned the ISO EasyRE for win 10 into a CD . This cd contains five files :
1- boot (folder)
2-bootstrap.ufs.gz (folder)
3-easyre.gz.uzip (uzip file)
4-launchcode (file )
5-md5sum.txt (file)
I’ve burned it with differents burning programs and speeds …but always I get the same five files …and the CD it’s of course unable to boot…because there aren’t any boot file. Even into the bootmanager windows file it dosn’t appears at all …not CD boot possibility .
I’ve buy the software 2 days ago I ‘ve still 24 hours to download a working alternative from your online service.
Thanks for the answer and reaming in waiting to read you fast forward .
Kind regards
Antonio RIVAS
My laptop originally came with windows 7, but I upgraded to windows 10. Which version of your product should I get? 7 or 10? Or does it matter? Thank you
my windows 10 ausa computer is stuck on the aptio setup how can i reboot it if i dont have a reboot disk or a ubs stick made
very good
How do I get a recovery disc for my aspire es 14 with windows 10 OS?
I suspected it to be infected with a virus and it won’t load/open.
Please help me fix my problem. Thanks!
I downloaded and followed all of the instructions to create the bootable USB. It went through all of the tests, rebooted, but still went to the blank black screen after the circling dots. I can hear everything running, just not booting? This is an 8 year old system that was win7 upgraded to win10. now what do i do besides a total wipe?
I wouldn’t buy from this”company” if my life depended on it, quite frankly it your reasonably savvy with the windows OS. windows does have tools the do the job and it won’t cost you a dime beyond what you already paid for windows in the first place( if you bought it as a separate package and it didn’t come with your computer).
your best bet is keep a backup of all your essential files on a separate , removable drive and insure you have a backup of the OS on a usb stick( you can do this using the media creation tool the Microsoft provides in their site ).
From my side, I was also negative about the product at some point as I could not create a flash recovery option. But at that point the CD boot disc worked very well. Later on after a few tries [using only their recommended Neo-Smart product], I did get the flash option to work, and this recovery software worked a number of times where no other options helped me. So anyone not having success DO try the CD recovery first
The only issue people will have with downloading and using the free version is that it doesn’t support the newer builds of windows 10. For it to work with those you will need to pay for the latest one.
I can confirm the free one doesn’t work as it tells me my version of windows 10 is too new.
I’ve brought 2 PC’s back from BSOD with their product and am attempting a third now when I happened to run across you whiners. I was ok paying $19.75 to restore at least 2 and probably more PCs. Now you’re gonna say that “you’re a shill for them”. Couldn’t be further from the case, I’m in recovery from being a cheap crybaby. You know who you are and there’s more than one, even a so-called computer engineer. I did mine with a DVD, no prob. Maybe you made a mistake, mine didn’t work the first time until I was more CAREFUL. Worked like a charm….
Agreed ++
It took a while to figure out how to make a bootable USB (had to load EASY USB Creator lite). Then when it did boot, it never found my Windows 10 disk – just the old (but working) Windows 7 volume. I really wonder if it could have repaired my startup since I was getting file corruption errors – I doubt that this could really help that anyway. I give up and will be reloading Windows 10.
My computer disk partiton is missing
I have the very same problem than this customer. Can you please let me know how to fix this?
Hello dear Mahmoud Al-Qudsi : I bought and I’d burned the ISO EasyRE for win 10 into a CD . This cd contains five files :
1- boot (folder)
2-bootstrap.ufs.gz (folder)
3-easyre.gz.uzip (uzip file)
4-launchcode (file )
5-md5sum.txt (file)
I’ve burned it with differents burning programs and speeds …but always I get the same five files …and the CD it’s of course unable to boot…because there aren’t any boot file. Even into the bootmanager windows file it dosn’t appears at all …not CD boot possibility .
I’ve buy the software 2 days ago I ‘ve still 24 hours to download a working alternative from your online service.
Thanks for the answer and reaming in waiting to read you fast forward .
Kind regards
Antonio RIVAS
Those files are correct – this isn’t a WinPE-based live CD and you won’t find the typical `.wim`, `bootmgr`, and `bcd` files in the root of the CD.
If you’re having problems booting we have a very extensive section in the wiki that covers this: https://neosmart.net/wiki/troubleshooting-boot-from-cd/ and you can shoot us an email at easyre@neosmart.net if you’re still having trouble.
free is not FREE!!!
hello, I am having issue with my system always on repair mode, I tried everything as an engineer, it’s not booting, I found two backup and tried to restore, yet it’s not working, it’s still displaying startup repairing, can you please help me out and let me know if I purchase your software, it will fix it, because I did not want to format it. Please kindly reply. Thanks.
Hei. Jeg har kjøpt meg en ny Acer Aspire, men en bekjent av meg ville visst følge med på hva som skjer på min pc. Til nå har han tatt en kopi av en annen pc, det var en Dell, men også en Asus har vi (han og jeg) brukt isammen (begge er nå ødelagt) og satt minnekortet i min nye Acer.
Han må vel deretter ha installert det som var på minnebrikken (fra vår gml) på sin noe eldre Asus, for han er nå i ne og henter bilder, sletter mine ting og det siste han gjorde var å lage en konto slik at han ble admin.på min nye Acer. Uannsett er han connected både til min nye Acer, og PCen min er jeg ikke lenger administrator på.
Skjønner dere hvor fortvilet jeg er, når jeg også sier at han itillegg er inne på min mobil også. Jeg har prøvd å stenge han flere ganger, men det ser ut som han installerer ett program på min mobil, er en Xperia XZ1, og deretter er han inne igjen.
Jeg har slettet alle passord, fjernet nettleserloggen og cockies fra mobilen, men likevel kjem han inn. Jeg har ikke lenger tilgang til nett, men har brukt en tlf som jeg har fylt på endel GB. Han har også koblet seg inn på en av mine live-eposter på PCen. Og der har han slettet mye som jeg ønsket å ta vare på.
Nå må jeg si at jeg vet jeg var dum, som brukte den mobilen han hadde tilgang til den førte gangen, men jeg trodde mobilen kun delte nett med PCen.
Han tok altså og installerte på min nye det jeg og han hadde hatt på en gml. maskin, før jeg overhodet fikk tatt en sikkerhetskopi av min nye Acer.
Det er full forsikring på Pcen og i tillegg skulle den kjøre på Win10. Jeg måtte også kjøpe Office program utenom, fordi PCen ikke lenger kom ferdig med dette, sa de der den ble kjøpt. Jeg valgte imidlertid ikke å kjøpe antivirusprogram, for jeg har bestandig kun brukt Win Essential (heter det/mulig skrivefeil) og har aldri fått noe virustrøbbel med maskinene jeg har hatt. Nå vet jeg at jeg kan laste ned noe som renser pcen og som sletter hva jeg sletter, men vet ikke om noen navngitte.
PCen kom med Norton og har hørt at en pc ikke skal ha flere antiviruspr.innstallert, så er det da riktig at jeg sletter all programvaren til Norton?
Men hva kan jeg gjøre for å holde han vekk. Han har dessuten sammenkoblet min tlf til min Acer, så de konfigureres likt. Men jeg må da kunne sperre for andre innkommende enheter? Jeg er desverre ingen kløpper på hverken pc el mobil, noe han heller aldri har vært, men jeg vet at noen har hjulpet han.
Det var fortvilende å ikke ha administrasjonen på min egen mobil heller. Men tror jeg fikk utestengt han med å blokke han. For jeg skulle inn på bilder, album, og der stod det “deler med for- og etternavn, som er eier av disse bildene”
Litt lenger nede stod det at jeg skulle logge av, men jeg blokkerte han istedenfor. Men bilder forsvinner, visakortet mitt er blitt brukt til overføringer jeg selv ikke har utført og det være seg alt fra 3,- til 300,- Han står ikke som mottaker, men et slikt gavekort man kan fylle på og ta ut UTEN Å REG SEG, og da er det jo enkelt å overføre fra andres kort.
Nå er mitt siste problem at det er blitt bedt.ett datakrt I mitt navn og det er blitt Brukt litt denne mnd og det såg jeg først igår. Så det kortet ble sperret. Selskapet har også fått beskjeden…
Hva som er så intr ved mine ting vet jeg ikke, men det kan jo hende han vil gjøre noen extra kr. Jeg mener jeg ikke behøver så mye bevis og at dette kan anmeldes. El tar jeg feil? Isåfall behøver ikke jeg å si så mye, for det er jo utrolig lett å finne fram til ting bare man vet hvordan. Som med alt annet.
Har dere ett råd til meg om hvordan holde han ute ihvertfall fra tlf der han ikke har installert noe, kun kopiert, men det han har kopiert har jeg endret. Jeg vet snart ikke hva jeg skal gjøre!
Mvh. Christa.
Jeg skrev bare mitt kallenavn, og ønsker tilbakemld på min egen mobil, da jeg ser på den og mld som det tryggeste. Mobnr: +47 46909790.
(se eier og betaler av abo under)
Takker på forhånd.
@Karianne if you are able to use System Restore from within the Windows recovery tools or with Easy Recovery Essentials, you may be able to restore to a date before the admin account issues.
free????? whatis free? F.Y.
When I attempt the auto repair at boot up, it just stays on attempting repairs and never gets past that. Any advice? I don’t have any system restore points before the problem started.
For those of you who can’t burn cd, you must burn disk image, not the iso file. Also, try DVD if disk image is too large.
A bit disappointed with your software. Maybe I expected too much but I ran it twice and my win win10 did not recover. It is still saying missing operating system. Contacting Micro tomorrow for help. The price of your software is very fair would have been better if it had solved my issue LOL
I wanted to buy Easy Recovery Essentials Home for Windows 10 and pay through Paypal. Unfortunately not because I have to provide any credit card information. I don’t need a card for Paypal !!
Apparently Easy Recovery Essentials Home for Windows 10 is free, but you will always be redirected to the payment page 🙁
I ask for clarification.
Best regards
How do I download the free EasyRE for Windows 10?
My HP ProBook 4530s was Upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10 before I bought it as a used computer last year.
Few months later it developed a fault, showing:
BOOTMGR IMAGE IS CORRUPT, the system cannot boot…
How do I download and fix this problem with your EasyRE
I just purchased and downloaded recovery program for Windows 10 and saved to a USB. The computer I am fixing will not boot from your software however it does boot from different bootable media thru the USB so I am confident I am following the correct steps to direct BIOS to boot from USB. What is the remedy?
I have a Samsung laptop dated 2013, it had WINDOWS 8.1 installed on the computer when I bought it, it never had a RECOVERY DVD and didn’t have a recovery partition installed on the hard drive I did upgrade to Windows 10 and had no problems until the time came when the power to my computer was turned off in the middle of an update before closing down I couldn’t; get the computer to boot, I went into BIOS SETUP and my hard drive was showing UNINSTALLED I did manage to run a self repair on the computer and it said that there had been a hardware or software change get in touch with Samsung for a recovery disk, can the Windows 10 version restore my computer back to factory default or do I need to download Windows 8.1 version
Help! I am using an Acer laptop and have installed both Windows 10 and Linux Mint on it. My goal was to create a dual booting setup so I went to Easy USB to accomplish that. Somehow I messed it up and now get an error message when I try to run the Windows boot manager. So I bought Easy RE and created a CD to repair the damage. It won’t boot. Can someone help me get the CD to boot so Easy RE will do its job? Many thanks.
Hi,have Acer aspire 5532,tried to upgrade to win 10,with dvd,failed,now cant get into win.desk top.decided to try reset,get to command prompt,asks for Admin password,only pass.i have is username pass.which won’t accept.as you see,I can only go through the keyboard.thanks for any help.
Is there sincerity in giving it free for windows 10?
I’ve been trying to access this for months but the link always take me to payment page.
Any other way to get this advertised recovery package for my windows 10 HP laptop?
Please, how do get this product free for my HP ProBook 4530s which was originally Windows 7 but upgraded to Windows 10?
I have not been able to get it free for months now as I’m always directed to the payment page?
I need a reply, please.
Thank you.
I feel like the previous one. I can’t download the W10 version with the free link. The combination of letters doesn’t help me because I can’t get over the credit card hurdle. Can you email me the version? Thanks in advance.
EasyRE, resolved my boot issue, but now easybcd will not run. Reinstall of exe and install of still does not run, aborts quickly.
Any idea on what to do
free easy recoveryu has no pass away for free its now been out buy ippv pay-pre-view
On June 2022, I bought from you the Windows 10 Recovery Disc.
I’m now in a trouble with my laptop, an tried to use it to recover it.
I started the system with it, and everything was properly progressing. The drive containing the Windows 10 system was identified, but, when I selected “Automated repair”…I got back an error message, something like “Your system installation is too new, you should update your Easy Re version to a later one” (I’ve just had updated my Windows 10 to the latest version)
So I’m wondering now whether I could upgrade my Window10 Easy recovery Disc version to the latest one…without extra charge. I don’t know your specific policy regarding updates.
I would greatly appreciate your kind support on it.
June 3, 2024
I just purchased a copy of “Easy Recovery Essential” for Windows 11 for home use for my DELL laptop. However, when attempting to use it, I received an error message stating that a technician license is required to repair enterprise editions of Microsoft Windows, and that I should select a different driver to continue. I am using Windows 11 Pro, not an enterprise edition, so I’m unsure why I am unable to repair my laptop. If this issue cannot be resolved, I will have to cancel my purchase and contact my bank (credit card). I would appreciate your prompt assistance in this matter.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.