Atlassian Software

Atlassian Software is an amazing Aussie-based company that makes two wonderful scripts: Confluence, a full-featured and very eye-easy wiki, and JIRA, the very best bug-tracking and issue-management script out there.

When we set out last month to look for ways to improve our software, we knew we needed a bug tracking script to keep things in check and let our members know what was going on. What we didn’t expect was to get the very best for free. Or, as a matter of fact, to find a better wiki at the same site..

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Windows Vista Beta 2 Has Gone Public!

Windows Vista Beta 2 is now available for download for anyone that wants it.

It’s the same build we got two weeks ago, not a new one, but you can grab it with your very own unique and un-activated key, and enjoy legal-Vista goodiness!

Download Beta 2!

A Comprehensive Look at the New Microsoft (Vista) Fonts

With every new version of Windows or Office, Microsoft Corporation seems to generally like to package a couple of small freebies that make it a sweeter deal, after all, as they say: it’s the little things that count. Windows Vista and Office 2007 are no exception: not only is Microsoft apparently trying to make up for lost years (almost 6 for Vista, and four for Office), and it is doing a great job! At NeoSmart we’ve only had praise for the Office team, and we feel that the Microsoft Typography team is at the very least on-par with them, if not even higher… Once you’ve read this review, we’re sure you’ll agree.

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Firefox Fixes the Copy & Paste Bug at Last!

Today Mozilla has celebrated the release of Firefox, right after the release of Bon Echo Alpha 3.

While everyone is talking about the new in-your-face Google Anti-Phishing Features bundled with Firefox (perhaps more on that later), we’re far more excited about one tiny bug fix: the infamous copy and paste bug that has haunted Firefox since before it was born (present in the Mozilla line)!

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10 Great New & Undiscovered IE7 Keyboard Shortcuts

With a new version of Internet Explorer 7 come quite a few new nifty shortcuts that can make your web-surfing experience a lot more enjoyable. Some of these tips also apply to previous versions of Internet Explorer, and some to other browsers as well. Items denoted with a ‘%’ work on IE6, and those marked with a ‘*’ may work in other browsers.

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Antivirus Software for Vista

It seems that the latest batch of AV software is quite inconsistent when it comes to Vista, but it is especially important to secure Vitsa and tie it down in order to take full advantage of all the other high-tech security features built right into Vista.

The only real options for Vista AV are eTrust EZ Antivirus, Trend Micro PC-cillan, and ESET NOD32.

It seems that eTrust and Trend Micro are the only companies taking Vista seriously. Both have offered free trials of their subsribtion, but eTrust gives you a better deal:

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Word 2007’s Blogging Issues

Following our article about Word 2007 introducing a fairly powerful desktop blogging client that actually produces clean code, it turned out most bloggers didn’t care so much for the client part as much as they did about whether or not it was 100% XHTML compliant.

From what we’ve been able to piece together, the Word 2007 blogging tool outputs XHTML 1.1 compliant code almost all of the time (we have yet to see it break, but nothing is bulletproof), with one (rather important) exception: it doesn’t know encoding!

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NeoSmart Live!

No, we haven’t lost our minds, nor have we decided to take on the now very much trite Microsoft naming scheme, but we are testing certain “Live!” features on this site, and we’re looking for some feedback.

AJAX certainly is cool, but only if it’s not overdone, and it’s used to make something better, not just for the hell of it – and especially if the JavaScript involved is kept down to a minimum (read more about our hatred for JS). A long time ago we had a couple of AJAX features on the blog, but we took them down when we realized it was too much and too incompatible. But now we’re back, and we want to know what you think.

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Microsoft Making a Better Wikipedia!?

If you’re reading this, you probably know what Wikipedia is, what Microsoft does, and what Digg is. If you also know what NewsVine is, you’ll appreciate this article a lot more, because it seems that the Wikipedia love/hate relationship might actually have a fix.
For those of you that don’t know, here’s the story in a nutshell:

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Ads on NeoSmart

A while back we let everyone know we needed some sort of cash flow to keep things going (after our account was suspended for high traffic on a shared server), and then we faced issues with PayPal and their stupid laws on international monetary exchange. However, we are happy to say that we have taken a first positive step in both directions, we are working on getting a PayPal account set up and working with international money transfers, and we have also added two ads to the blog.

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