NeoSmart Gallery Updated

If you came here yesterday looking for screenshots and captures of Windows Vista build 5365; you should leave here today happier, because we already have 80+ captures from 5365 ready for your enjoyment..
You can start looking at the pictures from within our Vista 5365 album or take a look at the twenty new breath-taking wallpapers in 5365 immediately if you so choose… or you can read on to see what's there, what will be, and why we need your help.

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The Gallery…

The server load is sky-high ATM, 13.something (thank you OSNews! We love you too!); and our heavily-hacked forums and blog are holding their ground perfectly! Hurray for that.

At the same time, our new image gallery (only installed yesterday) is in somewhat of a flurry. If you get a "max_connections" error, please just hit F5, you shouldn’t need to do it more than once. I’m re-coding a couple of things, so by the time the screenshots are up, it should be good to go.

Update: We’ve done our bit of optimization, still a lot more to go, but we have lowered the sever load quite a bit. We have also unlocked the gallery to allow for the uploading images by registered users, please see here for more info.

Someone Remind Me…

To never update a blog from SVN in the middle of a traffic surge.
For some reason after executing "svn up" in the shell, *everything* in the wp-content folder that was not on the SVN was deleted!! I don't understand it, and no other folder was touched, but it's quite obvious, seeing as all plug-ins and themes have vanished. Please bear with us while we do something with the theme; then wp-cache the site…

Thank god for SSH.. Some quick wgets and tars and unzips got rid of most of the damage. I've gone as far as to get rid of the WP svn completely, sorry, but I cannot afford to have that happen again. If you notice any quirks thus far, please leave a comment..

Microsoft Vista Build 5365 has been released

Microsoft Vista Build 5365 has been released. We are downloading it at the moment, screenshots will follow in our spanking new image gallery.
This is a Vista-only release, i.e. no Longhorn Server attached, which is a shame.

According to Microsoft, this is another “refresher” build, with bug fixes rather than new features. We have been informed that regional fixes for IME and time zones, etc. have not yet been implemented, those will ship in all post-5370 builds. This build is quite a bit larger than its predecessor, with the x64 build being over 4 gigabytes!

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Windows Live Messenger 8.0.0689 Screenshots & Review

The rumors are flying back and forth, and the suspense is so thick you could cut it with a knife: Is Windows Live Messenger 8.0.0689 a Release Candidate? Is this what Windows Live Messenger will turn out to be? Either way, no matter what you choose to believe or otherwise, no doubt we are coming real close to the final UI design and features.

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Firefox Copy & Paste Bug: (Not) Fixed!!

Ever since we expressed our frustration and outrage about what was potentially the most annoying bug in Firefox to date, several big and small websites around the web picked up the cry, and a flurry of activity ensued on the Mozilla Bug Entry for this particular glitch. More than a thousand users contacted us about their experiences with this bug, and soon enough, the media generated enough attention to warrant this bug a second look. It didn’t take long for the bug to be pinned down and a fix found; and here we are today, only a month later, with links to a Firefox build that makes your copy and paste experience complete!

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On Building the Best Cheap Home Server

So you've read our article regarding the importance of a server in a home network.. and now you're looking for the best cheap server you can get. We don't blame you, as a matter of fact, we are here to help!
What you need to keep in mind is, this is a home server (note the italics). It's going to be one machine that will take care of everything; but believe it or not, it doesn't have to cost a fortune nor be the very best to get the job done. We will be using NewEgg for all our purchases just to make things easier, but feel free to shop around for the best deal.

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The Importance of a Home Server

Do you…

  • Test new operating systems or beta test system tools?
  • Format more than once a month?
  • Have more than more computers than users in your home?
  • Download movies, music, or programs?
  • Love having all your files in one place without sifting through piles of recovery medium?
  • Write web-based scripts or design websites?
  • Have one printer and need 24/7 access to it?
  • Want to share an internet connection securely and professionally, complete with port forwarding and more?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need a home server. The good news is, its not hard to set up, expensive to get, or difficult to configure, but before we get there, let's see just how a server in your home can make you a more productive person, save you time and money, and leave you wondering why you didn't do this before.

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April CTP: “Within a Week”

The Microsoft Windows Vista April CTP will be shipped "within a week."
This comes from a reliable source, and we have yet to be wrong.

What this build will be:

  1. Most features are those of the interim non-CTP build 5342 (announced here, complete with list of upcoming features in future builds!);
  2. This build is reported to be "easier on the eyes…" is this a reference to the new Glass? We don't know, but either way, it sounds great!
  3. Most changes are the bug fixes. Now that Vista has reached (more or less) code-complete status, each build is expected to be progressively more stable, faster & more responsive to the touch, and more of a "real" OS.
  4. It will contain an almost final version of Internet Explorer 7. Slight GUI changes may follow, but the code is all there, and mostly bug-free!

What the April CTP won't be:

  1. If you can't tell by the name, the April CTP will not be "Beta 2"
  2. This build won't be 5355 either, that one is, and I quote, "ancient."
  3. It most certainly isn't a public release, sorry!

The Ultimate Guide to RSS & TV Torrents

One of the newest and most exciting features of BitTorrent is RSS Torrent Feeds. Once properly configured, it lets you fully automate the procedure of finding, downloading the torrent files, and initiating the downloads to your movie folder, then finishing the download, and seeding it to a specific ratio.

In this walk-through we will be using freeware clients (uTorrent), services, and public trackers, to keep things simple and viable for everyone.

We will be configuring µTorrent (the smallest, no-install-required client on the web!) to download the latest episodes of 24, Desperate Houswives, and of course, LOST.

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