Everyone, please say hello and welcome to iReboot 2.0! Officially under beta since May 2010, iReboot 2.0 commemorates Pi Day 2015 with the spirit of less is more and simply brings fit and finish to an already rock-solid release.
iReboot is EasyBCD’s little helper: a simple and to-the-point taskbar icon that sits in your tray and gives you a right-click menu you can use to choose which OS to boot into. Done. iReboot 2.0 is designed with function and pragmatism in mind, and we’re proud to announce that the new 2.0 release just takes it that much further.
While iReboot has always sat a little in EasyBCD’s shadow, it has truly come into its own and we’re extremely grateful to all of the loyal users who have built up quite the dedicated fanbase for iReboot and have contributed ideas and pointed out flaws over the years.
iReboot 2.0 brings more of what you loved about iReboot 1.1.1 but remains steadfast in its footsteps. A full changelog is available, but here our some of our favorite points:
- Reduced memory footprint
- Configurable options including always booting into the OS you’re running and changing the default OS instead of the one-time boot target.
- Communication between backend service and taskbar client takes place via shared memory, no more TCP listeners and no more firewall conflicts (don’t ask).
- Entries are prefixed with bullets to bolster cognition and boost productivity
- iReboot can be run with the service disabled if running as an administrator with UAC off, should you so desire.
- The target of the next boot will show a checkmark when iReboot is started – no more guessing what EasyBCD was set to or what you chose on last boot.
- Universal single-binary .NET 2.0/3.5 and 4.0/4.5 support.
- New about screen dialog featuring the NST colors (see above). Isn’t she pretty!
Download iReboot 2.0 (295 KiB)
iReboot is free for home use, and commercial licenses can be had for $10 for a limited time from our online store. Buy a license and help support future development of iReboot, EasyBCD, and other cool, life-saving software!

Is there any thing that can fix the dual boot that Windows 10 uses, a bit of a pain.
@Roger: probably either EasyBCD or EasyRE.