IntelliPoint, IntelliType, and DigitalPersona Officially on Windows Vista!

For the millions out there have viewed and used NeoSmart Technologies guide to getting IntelliPoint and IntelliType on Windows Vista there’s finally hope. And for those that have complained about Microsoft’s DigitalPersona fingerprint reader not working on Vista, it finally does. This week Microsoft released two “mini-betas” for these programs, and they actually work.

NeoSmart Technologies had the opportunity to test both of these driver installer + configuration utilities, and so far, we haven’t run into anything serious with either. It never made sense that Microsoft’s most popular line of hardware shouldn’t be supported this far in, but now it officially is.

IntelliPoint 6.1
IntelliPoint x86 – IP61_32Eng.exe
IntelliPoint x64 – IP61_64Eng.exe

IntelliType 6.1
IntelliType x86 – ITP61_32Eng.exe
IntelliType x64 – ITP61_64Eng.exe

DigitalPersona 2.0

DigitalPersona is only available for 32-bit Vista at the moment, but it really works. It’s also been confirmed to run on Windows Vista 64-bit edition if you force the usage of unsigned drivers.. so that won’t be a problem for our 64-bit friends out there.

At the moment, we’re not at liberty to release these files, that’s just the way it is. NeoSmart Technologies doesn’t support illegal file sharing, though you might find them elsewhere online.

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  • 16 thoughts on “IntelliPoint, IntelliType, and DigitalPersona Officially on Windows Vista!

    1. That’s a pretty good news.
      /Me Waiting for a public release.

      But there’s a question: It’s possible to know which hardware is supported by this drivers ?
      Will IP6.1 support my old wired IntellEye Explorer 3 ?

    2. Ok, thanks

      IntellEye is the name they used when the first optical MS mouse came out, for distinction with Intellimouse with ball.
      Know there’s no more Mouses with ball then IntellEye = Intellimouse 😉

    3. I am a connect tester for Vista readiness, but cannot get the download. Which program are you participant in to get access to the files?


    4. It’s in the Windows Vista, Longhorn Server, and IE7 beta program on under the title “min-beta for intelltipoint and intellitype 6.1”

      Good luck..

    5. Ok works but my screen flickers on and off when the magnifier is used.


      It tuned completely white and re-draws everything.  This doesn’t happen in XP and I’m reallllly used to using the magnifier.


      I’m using the Windows drivers for an ATI X850 Pro.  I tried the ATI beta drivers and it still happens!

    6. Before you waste $500 on VISTA ask yourself this, do i download music, movies or pictures for FREE? if you answered yes than i recommend that you dont get sucked into vista. it is exactly the same as XP accept it looks cooler AND IT WAS DESIGNED TO BLOCK MUSIC AND MOVIE DOWNLOADING. think about it hundreds, thousands of bands trying to make money and everybody downloads thier songs off limewire or morpheus or where ever they can. and what about multimillionare movies, most people like you and i just download them. VISTA has come to gether with an idea, to block all websites that offer FREE DOWNLOADING, to block all P2P software. the other day i decided to upgrade my morpheus and to my surprise anything that i wanted to download would be blocked, i typed in a song, tried to download it and it says, THIS IS A COPY RIGHTED VERSION. they are taking over our entertainment. in 5 years vista will be installed on every computer in the world. go to your daily harvey norman or WOW catalogue and what do you see, every single laptop, pc, now comes with vista. vista only came out like a month ago they would have to be mad to offer it already installed. maybe if you listen to the song DOWNLOAD THIS SONG by MC LARS you will understand. pass this on. tell everybody you know, about VISTA. just amagin, teenagers of the future having to pay for their music and movies.
      everywhere you look there is freakin vista. we have no choice they are forcing us to upgrade, thats why all the new computers and laptops are coming out with vista, and then you have to go and buy xp because your not happy with vista. it sucks

    7. Heavens to Betsy, the sky must be falling.  Imagine having to PAY for something that the musician who created it is trying to make a living out of – get real!

      If everything was free then we’d all still be living in caves for goodness’ sake.

      You aren’t quite right anyway.  It is still possibly to download anything you want.

    8. Wow. What an intellectually lacking opinion ?????? Vista doesn’t block downloads of copywritten media. Vista is not a prettied up version of XP. Vista is significantly more intuitively designed and adaptive, its security features are unparalleled, and yes the interface is pretty. Only two groups of PC users dislike Vista, those who try to run it on the bare minimum system requirements, and those that are incapable of adapting to new technology.

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