Symantec Uses Rootkits in Antivirus Software!

If you have Norton SystemWorks or Norton AntiVirus Professional 2005 or 2006, your “advanced” recycle bin protection uses RootKits to help Symantec manage your files!
OK, no biggy.. Symantec is using it to help you right?
But hackers and viruses and trojans can use it too!

Don’t they ever learn?! One would expect that Symantec would patch its own rootkit secretly before, with all the hype about Sony/BMG.. After all, that’s what they are doing now!

You can read Symantec’s “response” and “vulnerability report”? here.

While technically it is not a root kit in that it does not use a series of strings, etc. to hide a directory or files, it hacks the Windows subsystem to hide one particular directory (theirs).

Again, Symantec tried to beat the bad guys by using their technology, but they ‘got played.’

Go with NOD32 instead… Believe me, you’ll finally get a good nights sleep.

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