EasyBCD 1.6 Released!

It’s been a while, though we haven’t really noticed. The EasyBCD 1.5x line has worked loyally and without complaint for the past 7 months, and it’s time to put it to rest. It’s hard to believe it’s been almost 8 months now since EasyBCD 1.5 went gold in October of 2006 – and since then its popularity has just soared beyond all expectations.

Today we’re proud to announce the availability of EasyBCD 1.6 to the general public. It’s been a rough, long road developing the 1.6 line, but we hope you’ll find it worth the wait. With 1 million+ EasyBCD users strong, we’ve learned a thing or two about compatibility and standards – or rather shall we say the lack of them. What worked for 98% of EasyBCD users didn’t work for the remaining two percent, and NeoSmart Technologies doesn’t accept anything less than perfection – that’s why EasyBCD 1.6 goes the extra mile.

With EasyBCD 1.6, we’ve rewritten Linux/BSD support yet again (for the 3rd time if you’re keeping record), this time with a treble redundancy system intended to – hopefully – serve 100% of the world’s dual-booters without pain, hitch, or effort. Yes, we really are that serious about our users. On that same front, we’ve built in diagnostic failsafes for OS X and Windows support. Now users that find their systems unable to boot into OS X (HFS+ Partition Error anyone?) or Windows (corrupted BCD, overwritten MBR, missing bootfiles, the list goes on and on!) have one-click recovery options in the Diagnostics Center.

The official changelog is miles long and has more detail than even we care to look into, but here are some of the new features we’re especially excited about:

  • Rewritten Linux Support
  • Diagnostics and Repair Center
  • Rewritten Memory Management
  • New Exception Handler Class (you can tell us exactly what went wrong!)
  • Listing drives by letter and physical partitions – no more guessing which numbers to use.
  • BCD Recovery and Repair
  • New MBR and Bootsector layers

The list goes on and on, but you don’t have to sit here and read – go and grab the latest version of EasyBCD now!

Download EasyBCD 1.6!!!

[screenshots] [changelog] [support] [documentation] [donate]

EasyBCD 1.6 wouldn’t have ever been possible if it wasn’t for the help of the community. NeoSmart Technologies is a member-driven non-profit organization, we exist only to serve, and we only exist because each and every one of you is willing to help; be it by donating, testing, or providing input. We’d like to thank certain people though who have really came through for us with EasyBCD 1.6:

First, thanks to Srivatsa Srinath and Desmond Lee of Microsoft Corporation for their valuable information regarding the inner-workings of the BCD, without their help, the diagnostics section would have never happened. Thanks to deVilhoOD for the help on fixing the HFS+ Partition Error with Mac OS X. Finally, special thanks to Jernej Jenko for sticking through while we bombarded his email with various testing scenarios.

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10 thoughts on “EasyBCD 1.6 Released!

  1. Yeah, what TTE said – awesome work!

    The screenshots look fabulous! 

  2. Too bad the site sucks and you can’t navigate it or download anything.

  3. It’s been…. ummmmm.. discontinued.
    We just couldn’t justify the time and effort it takes to make a quality release of such a program vs. the demand/need for it. We figure our time is best applied working on other programs and improving EasyBCD.

  4. EasyBCD failed to detect all partitions on my system. I have 3 drives (1 IDE and 2 SATA). I have linux installation on 5th partition of the 2nd drive. But EasyBCD displays only first drive’s partitions  and only 3 of the second drive’s partitions, not including linux partition (totally there are 10 partitions and 2 drives in list).

  5. Thanks so much for this program, this program saved my PC!
    Thanks Neosmart.net

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