EasyBCD Bug-Bash Countdown!

Stop the emails already! EasyBCD 1.6 is nearly finished, and the EasyBCD 1.6 bug-bash count-down has begun!

At NeoSmart Technologies, we operate a tight ship. EasyBCD will come soon, but not before it’s 100% clean, bug-free, tested all over the place, and on-par with the quality releases you’ve come to expect from NeoSmart Technologies!

To quell these increasingly impatient emails, instant messages, private messages, and what-not, we’ve decided to try something new: you can now check how many bugs are left for EasyBCD 1.6! Don’t let the numbers fool you though, they go up and down depending on what new features we choose to add, what new bugs are discovered, and other unexpected things along the way. But here’s a little secret: EasyBCD 1.6 is very close. That number “11” there right now will probably go down and stay down! :)

Here’s a taste for just a few of things that are coming in EasyBCD 1.6, to whet your appetite for the moment – or so to speak.

  • Diagnostics & Repair
  • New Linux/BSD Bootloader Routines! (with all-new heuristics that take corrective action for you!)
  • Absoloutely minimal memory usage!
  • Support for an unlimited number of operating systems…
  • x64 driver-checking disable that really works! (on Vista RTM, no less!)
  • New Mac OS X bootloader “repair” utility that gets rid of the dreaded HFS+ Partition Error.
  • New Boot.ini search technique
  • Advanced support for Vista DPI Scaling!
  • New MBR repair utility for those corrupted Vista installs!

That’s just the beginning. The changelog is already a couple of pages long, and the quality of this release is going to be better than any other.

Beta copies of EasyBCD 1.6 have already gone out to certain lucky testers – though no one person (outside of NST, of course!) has seen some all of the enhancements coming in EasyBCD 1.6 yet. It’s that secret.

And one more thing: with EasyBCD 1.6 we’ll be unveiling a brand-new utility! It’ll initially ship with EasyBCD, but it’ll be available for download as a standalone application. It’s cooooooooooooooool!

So, keep your eyes on the bug-bash counter, check often, wish our developers luck, and get ready for EasyBCD 1.6!

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