CompleteRSS 1.0 Released

CompleteRSS 1.0 was released yesterday, it’s been upped to a full-release, no longer alpha. Nothing major has changed as far as functionality or purpose is concerned, but it’s a highly recommended upgrade because it addresses a couple of high-profile (really annoying) bugs that can occur if you have a post with the word “feed” in the permalink.

Moreover, there have been several fixes to enhance compatibility with non-standard permalink structures, older versions of PHP, and feeds via proxies. It’s a fully-stable release, and now it’s more important than ever, since WordPress 2.1 has gone public.

WordPress 2.1 never displays content past the <!–more–> marker in an RSS/Atom feed, unlike WordPress 2.0.x & co. If you’re a dedicated blogger and you love your readers, do them a favor and serve full-content RSS feeds: they’ll appreciate it, and you’ll get more feed subscribers :)

Download CompleteRSS 1.0

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  • 9 thoughts on “CompleteRSS 1.0 Released

    1. Thanks for the plugin. I do however have a problem. I use the_excerpt instead of the_content to display posts on my home page, the archive pages, and the category pages. When I upgraded to 1.0, it broke the_excerpt. Instead of showing an excerpt, the full post was displayed. I’ve downgraded back to 0.2, and everything seems to be fine. I never ran into problems with 0.2, so the downgrade is not a big issue for me. I just thought you should know that there is a possible bug.

    2. Thanks for the coherant bug report, Brandon.
      I know the problem now, and it shouldn’t be too hard to fix.

      The only drawback to 0.2 is that it requires PHP5, and if you’re permalink contains the word “feed” in it somewhere for an *article* (not a feed) it’ll display “footer” items twice.

      1.01 will be out soon with that fix I guess.

    3. Hi,

      I cannot download the program because the link is broken.

      Does it still break excerpt?  I use that alot on my blog




    4. Thanks Robert.

      We’ve fixed the site now, just stupidity on our part – how we didn’t see that error I don’t know.

      Anyways, everything is fine now.

    5. Just to give an update. It seems the problem I was having with CompleteRSS 1.0 not working when using the_excerpt in my template, was a problem on WordPress’ end. I’ve only tested it on 2.2.1 and 2.3-alpha, but CompleteRSS 1.0 now does it’s job. Using the_excerpt no longer seems to be a problem. Thanks for the work you do. This plugin has been invaluable.

    6. I was wrong in my previous comment. I should have been more thorough in my testing. The plugin is still causing problems when using the_excerpt. Sorry to clutter things up with comments that should have never been posted. Feel free to delete both of them.

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