Help EasyBCD Learn Your Language!

New EasyBCD LogoLadies and gentlemen, EasyBCD is working very hard trying to learn your language. If you speak a verbal (no sign language) and internationally recognized (no Klingon) that is not part of a conspiracy to collectively rob humanity of its intelligence (so no Newspeak and definitely no Valley Girl), then EasyBCD would really appreciate if you could take an hour or two to help it learn to communicate in your wonderful language.

We’ve been hard at work for the past couple of months developing a new and ridiculously easy to use translation toolkit (that we’ve decided to open source) which will power the upcoming EasyBCD 2.2 release, giving it the superior intellect required to speak dozens of languages fluently… with your help.

While we have some volunteers already working on translating EasyBCD into a few languages, we need your help to get the word out there and get quality translations for as many languages as possible. The process itself couldn’t be easier, and the end result is both satisfactory and rewarding! (What could be more satisfactory than helping millions, or more rewarding than having your name in EasyBCD’s “About” box and on our website?)

How to Help
Download a copy of the NeoSmart Localization Toolkit (currently in beta) from this thread in our forums. While you’re there, drop us a line letting us know you’re interested in translating language insert language name here so no one else wastes their time when you’re already on it. Then just run the exe, load up the translation files, and get cracking. More info and picture-by-picture instructions are in the previously mentioned thread. We’ll have another post here soon to officially introduce the NLT and our reasons for creating a new localization framework soon.

Please note that you’ll need to either download a copy of EasyBCD 2.2 beta or grab the latest version of the language files from the GitHub page to get translating.

We’re especially looking for help translating EasyBCD into the following languages (in alphabetical order):

  • Arabic
  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • French
  • German
  • Hindi
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Russian
  • Spanish

And before we bid you goodbye, salaam, adiós, au revoir, bis dann, or sayonara, we leave you with this screenshot:

cURL error: Failed to connect to localhost port 7700 after 0 ms: Couldn't connect to serverpost 1312 not indexed

27 thoughts on “Help EasyBCD Learn Your Language!

  1. Hi,

    I like to helo you with the polish version of this software.
    Please give me a sign if I can start on it.

  2. Hi Przemek,

    Please do! We’d love to have a Polish version of EasyBCD available! If you need any help with NLT translator program or have any questions, let me know in the forums or by email and I’ll be happy to help. And thank you 🙂

  3. If you need to translate it to Malay language (that is used in Indonesia and Malaysia) I think I can help you.

    Also, if you need Chinese-traditional translation, I can help too

  4. what you guys have come up with is more than i could have hoped for. I will try to get together all the things i can and get back to you, with some hope off getting help building some of the jobs(if you haven’t already). please keep me up 2 date on all your doing, especially the complex system jobs. all my idea’s i come to you with are yours to post at will.

  5. Hi, i can help you for Persian/Farsi translation let me know if your interested. My question is how can i send the translated language files back to you. You know i dont know a lot about “git” tech but i can learn fast :).

  6. Let´s translate to portuguese brasil ?. I want to colaborate. thanks

  7. Hi, I would like to work on hindi translation of this.Can u please tell me what is status of the work on hindi translation.

  8. Hallo

    I Can help you with swedish and Danish if you like.
    Please e-mail me.

  9. not sure if there is a person doing dutch translation if not i wouldnt mind doing it

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